Tag Archives: M/M Thriller

Fractured Soul (Book 3) by Matthew Dante #kindleunlimited


Book Title: Fractured Soul (Book 3)

Author: Matthew Dante

Cover Artist: @the.ravens.touch 

Release Date: March 3, 2022

Genre:  M/M Thriller

Tropes: Obsessive Love

Themes: Human Trafficking

Heat Rating: 3 flames       

Length:  62 000 words/320 pages

This is the third book in the Fractured series. It does not end on a cliffhanger.

Books 1 and 2 should be read first.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

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They say we are all products of our environment. Those raised in happy households will become loving, well-adjusted members of society; while those raised in violence and darkness will grow to be angry, heartless, and unstable. Truer words were never spoken.

After surviving the terrifying events that occurred on the murder farm, Alex’s views of society have darkened. That once bright and hopeful light has now dimmed and given rise to rage and suspicion. 

Alex’s views of humanity are tested even further when he stumbles across a man bleeding to death in an alleyway. Who is this man? And why was he left for dead? 

Marc and Alex suddenly find themselves thrust into the seedy underworld of human trafficking and prostitution as they work to uncover the criminal organization preying on the weak and vulnerable.

This is a MM thriller dealing with the darker elements of the criminal underworld. 




“While I might not say much at these hang outs, I do enjoy being there with you and being part of this circle of friends. You know that making friends has never come easy for me, but with you by my side, it makes things easier for me.”

“I’m glad to hear.”

“I do feel sorry for Seth though. I’ve never seen a guy look so terrified to come back to a table before.” Marc let out a chuckle as Alex’s head popped up.

“Hey! That boy needed a reminder to watch himself!” 

“And you sure reminded him. It was kind of sexy watching you claim me as your own. You were like a caveman about to club Seth over the head, then throw me over your shoulder, and carry me back to your cave! I’ve never felt so special and loved.” Marc said as he pulled Alex back down against his body.

“Well, you are special to me. How many couples can say that they took down a pair of serial killers and survived a murder farm together?” Alex chuckled as he caressed Marc’s bare chest.    

“I guess we do have that as an advantage over other couples. Couples that kill together, stay together. Or something like that.” Marc’s hand slid down Alex’s back and cupped the tender cheek of his ass. Alex let out a moan. “But in all seriousness, even if a guy flirts with me or tries to hit on me, always know that I only have eyes for you and that you are the only one that holds the key to my frozen heart. I would gladly battle my way through the fires of Hades if it meant that I got to spend the rest of my life worshiping you.”

“Well with words like that, I kind of feel bad for scaring Seth. The poor guy had no chance.” They both let out a laugh.


About the Author 

Matthew Dante is a Canadian indie author who loves to write about magic, fantasy, and romance. He is an avid reader, world traveller, lover of all things Marvel and DC, and a romantic at heart. 

Most of his stories center around gay main characters who are usually the love interests and the heroes of these stories. He writes these novels, so that other LGBTQ people will be able to read about characters and stories that they can relate to and be proud of.


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Fractured Mind by Matthew Dante #kindleunlimited


Book Title: Fractured Mind

Author: Matthew Dante

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: The Ravens Touch 

Release Date:  November 18, 2021

Genre: M/M Thriller

Tropes: Obsessive love

Themes: Dark Romance, obsession, revenge

Heat Rating: 3 flames       

Length: 60 000 words/ 300 pages

It is the second book in the Fractured Boys series and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


There is nothing more dangerous than a man alone with his thoughts.



People have been disappearing all across the State with no apparent connection to one another. Police are baffled and struggling to determine if the disappearances are connected or are simply isolated incidents. There are no bodies or evidence- only abandoned vehicles and missing persons reports. 

Meanwhile, Alex Sanders is battling his own demons… 

Almost a year after surviving a horrific weekend held captive by his former best friend, Marc, Alex is now a freshman at the University of Tennessee. Desperately trying to start over, he is consumed with depression, anxiety, and guilt for the murder that he helped cover up. Always fearful of being discovered, Alex can’t help but wonder, is Marc still secretly watching him? 

Could Marc’s obsession with him have something to do with the current flood of disappearances across the State? 

All things seem to lead back to that fateful weekend… the one that started with murder … and ended in betrayal.

Warning: This book contains scenes which may be considered triggering events for some involving extreme violence, murder, kidnapping, and torture.




Alex had never felt such excruciating pain! It was as if his shoulder was leaning against a furnace during a winter blizzard. His shoulder was on fire, and he began to see stars in front of his eyes. He wished for the pain to stop! Please, God, if you are watching, please make this pain stop! I’ll do anything you ask! I’m sorry I was not a better man! 

Perhaps this was karma finally catching up to him for the role he played in Shawn’s death. While Alex was not the one that ultimately ended Shawn’s life, he also did nothing to report the murder or try to find Marc and bring him to justice. 

Yes, Karma was finally here to collect.

The figure standing in front of Alex slowly began to turn the blade as blood and flesh began to tear aware from his body. 

Alex cried out again in pain as his tears mixed with the blood that now slid down his arm and onto the straws of hay that peppered the ground of the barn.

He deserved this. He watched a man die and remained silent. Alex was finally getting what he deserved. 

Alex’s cry of pain was cut short as his face was splashed with a warm liquid. He opened his eyes startled, just in time to watch his torturer fall to the ground with a thump. Puzzled, Alex looked up.

Standing in front of him, holding a blood-stained bat, was his demon savior… the man who had caused so much pain in his life… the man whom he once cared for deeply… Marc. 

“Marc?” Alex whispered, half in shock, half in disbelief. 

This had to be one of his hallucinations brought on by the pain he was enduring. There was no way that Marc was standing right in front of him. No way.

Marc dropped the bloody bat and pulled the butterfly blade from his back pocket. He knelt down and gently touched Alex’s tear-stained face. 

Alex felt a slight tingling sensation when Marc’s fingertips touched his face. It was as if a thousand little electric currents were running from Marc’s fingers to his cheek.   

Alex stared up into Marc’s soft brown eyes. There was so much emotion in those eyes; fear, anger, and a hint of something else… longing?? 

Staring into those eyes, Alex thought about the countless nights the two of them stayed up late chatting together. The days when it had just been the two of them, living in a simpler world. A world before all the pain, murder, and betrayal. 

Yes, Alex had broken Marc’s heart when he refused to help him deal with Shawn’s dead body- a murder Marc had committed in order to protect Alex. But being here now, staring into Alex’s soulful eyes, it seemed as though all that had been forgotten by Marc. Marc was staring at Alex with such loving eyes.  

“I’m here now. Everything will be okay, I promise,” Marc blurted as the anger seemed to melt from his eyes and was replaced with so much love. 

“Wh… what are you doing here?” Alex asked, still in shock that Marc was actually standing in front of him. 

“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get here,” Marc apologized, as he touched the side of Alex’s bloody face. 

Alex noticed the look of pain in Marc’s eyes as he wiped the blood from Alex’s face. 

“Marc… I can’t believe you’re… how…” Alex was at a loss for words. He could not believe that Marc was standing right in front of him. Coming to his rescue once again. After all that he had done. But how did Marc know?

The lights in the barn suddenly went black. 


About the Author 

Matthew Dante is a Canadian indie author who loves to write about magic, fantasy, and romance. He is an avid reader, world traveller, lover of all things Marvel and DC, and a romantic at heart. 

Most of his stories center around gay main characters who are usually the love interests and the heroes of these stories. He writes these novels, so that other LGBTQ people will be able to read about characters and stories that they can relate to and be proud of.


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