Rainbow Snippets ~ June 4th



This week’s Rainbow Snippet is taken from my taboo story

Let Your Heart Decide


Let Your Heart Decide

This excerpt continues from last week…

A cry.
And close by.
Not a baby nor a fox, but a man. I lay there, heart thumping, straining to hear in the darkness, trying to pick out the sound and its direction. But nothing came.
In the long quiet that followed, I remembered again how Jake used to hold me when I was scared, or when I came home from school crying because bullies had called me names or pushed me around. He’d stood up for me, protected me, and one day the bullying stopped. I always thought it was because of Jake’s intervention, although he never told me what he did to make it better. I never asked him. One day I would.
The quiet of the night buzzed in my ears.
Maybe the cry was a dream, after all.



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The gang posts throughout the weekend, so check back a few times if you can.



Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.


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About Gay Book Promotions

About the Author Lily G. Blunt enjoys writing contemporary gay romance and paranormal stories. She loves to explore the relationship between two or more men and the intensity of their physical and emotional attraction. Angst often features in her stories as she feels this demonstrates the depth of feelings between them. Lily is often inspired by the lyrics to songs and is forever writing imaginary scenes and plots in her head. Only a few of these ever make their way to the page. Lily reviews for several blogs and has recently launched Gay Book Promotions, an online book promotion service for authors of LGBT+ romance and fiction. She loves to hear from readers and other authors. You can find her contact information and social media links at https://lilygblunt.wordpress.com and http://gaybookpromotions.wordpress.com

14 responses

  1. Intriguing snippet. Was there really a cry? Is he going to go investigate? And what did Jake do to make the bullying stop? So many questions!


  2. Beautifully tense and melancholy.


  3. I’m with PT. Was there really a cry? Interesting post.


  4. louiselyons013

    Great snippet. I’m loving the book by the way, I’m at the guided tour at the Hall part 🙂


  5. I love the rhythm of this.


  6. Great snippet. Was it all a dream? Can’t wait to find out.


  7. I wonder if the cry was real after all.


  8. velvetpanic

    Well done! 🙂


  9. Oh that’s intriguing.


  10. Very interesting! I want to know what Jake did too.


  11. Pingback: Rainbow Snippets ~ June 4th – cherylheadford

  12. Very nice. So many questions making me want to read on…


  13. Beautifully sad and eerie.


  14. Great snippet. Really intriguing.
