Tag Archives: shifters

In the Dragon’s Lair by Joy Lynn Fielding #kindleunlimited #giveaway


Book Title: In the Dragon’s Lair (Wings Over Albion #2)

Author and Publisher: Joy Lynn Fielding

Cover Artist: Miblart.

Release Date: June 10, 2024

Genre: Paranormal M/M Romance

Tropes: Shifters; enemy of my enemy; mutual pining; class gap.

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  75 000 words

It is a standalone book, though it’s part of a series.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Nate Mortimer is hot, funny, and kissing him is like falling into the sun.

He’s also the last man I should ever be with.

He’s smooth, wealthy, and practically dragon royalty. But me? I’m just a dragon from the Cornish countryside. Or so I like people to think.

I’m investigating the Fortescues, one of the richest, most powerful dragon families in Britain. Problem is, I’m not the only one who’s undercover. Every time I turn around, Nate’s in my way.

Can I trust him? He has his own issues with the Fortescues. Those dragons are dangerous, and his plotting could draw me into a lethal power struggle. His emotional baggage and troublesome ex? Also problematic.

And none of that helps me keep my mind—or hands—off him.

If I’m not careful, falling for the wrong dragon-shifter could cost me so much more than just my heart…



“Is there a reason you’re interested in an empty old theatre?” I asked Nate while Ella was busy taking off her coat.

“I’m researching for a book I intend to write.”

“One about making millions off the backs of others in a banking empire, I’m guessing,” I said, promptly wanting to kick myself as his eyebrows raised. I was supposed to be getting close to him, not letting him know what I thought about his lifestyle. “I mean, what’s it about?”

“Nate’s going to write a best-seller about Jane Austen’s torrid love affair with the actor Robert Elliston,” Ella said, sliding her arm through Nate’s to press her cheek against his shoulder.

“I didn’t know Jane Austen had an affair,” I said.

“She didn’t,” Nate said, then paused. “Well, she probably didn’t. Though I suppose it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility if she was extraordinarily discreet about it. For my purposes, all that matters is that she’s known to have relished Elliston’s performances. She was so impressed by him that she worried he might leave Bath when he inherited some money. Anyway, Ella—you know this place. Lead on.”

We spent the next hour or so wandering around, exploring thoroughly.

“Do you think Jane Austen was a theatre groupie?” I asked as we walked into one of the dressing rooms.

Nate’s face lit with humour. Ella’s, however, was full of scorn. “Don’t you know anything about her?”

I didn’t care what she thought of me. Nate was still grinning, and it was a good look on him.

“I’m going to have to put that in the book,” he said. “I should call it Greasepaint and Blowjobs: The Secret Life of Jane Austen.”

“Honestly.” Ella rolled her eyes and stomped off.

That gave me a chance to finally talk to Nate. “Sorry about last night,” I lied through my teeth. “It seemed the best thing to do in the heat of the moment.”

He smiled at me, a different sort of smile from his amused grin, and it sent all kinds of messages to my cock. “Are you really sorry?” he asked, and for the first time, I understood what people meant when they said someone purred when speaking. “I’m not.”

“Maybe we should try out something for your book,” I suggested. “Get some of the groupie logistics nailed down.”

“I hope it’s more than logistics that are going to be nailed,” he murmured, moving forward, an almost hypnotic sway to his stride.

“Nate!” Ella’s shout echoed down the corridor outside. “You need to look at this.”

The moment was well and truly broken, though my cock still hadn’t got the memo.

“Coming,” he yelled back, and then winced. “Or not,” he added, with a rueful sideways glance at me before heading out of the room.

I followed, enjoying the sight of his arse once again. I didn’t know what to make of Nate Mortimer. My dick knew what it wanted to make of him, and that was a sweating, panting, ruined mess. But I hadn’t spent enough time with him yet to work out who he was. When Charlie had cornered him at the bar, he’d been…vulnerable? Something other than a smooth entitled banker, anyway. I’d warmed to him when we’d joked about Jane Austen giving blowjobs. He would be easy to like. And just now, he’d definitely been open to getting laid.

But he was a banker, so I had no interest in puzzling him out. I simply needed to get him talking so I could find out why one of the Mortimer family had been poking about in James Fortescue’s study.


About the Author 

Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse riding and gardening (though not all at the same time).

She tends to talk a lot about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully, she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive.


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

The Red Dragon of Oxford by Joy Lynn Fielding #giveaway


Book Title: The Red Dragon of Oxford

Author and Publisher: Joy Lynn Fielding

Cover Artist: Miblart

Release Date: January 15, 2024

Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance

Tropes: Fish out of water, mutual pining, shifters

Themes: Self-acceptance, empowerment

Length: 66,000 words

Heat Rating:  4 flames

It is a standalone story (the first in a new series) and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK


Dragons aren’t real. Or so I used to think.



Oxford isn’t exactly what I’d imagined. Sure, the colleges are romantic, and everyone is brilliant enough to trigger my impostor syndrome. I expected that

The dragon, however, was a big surprise. 

I saw him on my first day. The beautiful beast spoke to me, then disappeared. I’ve been looking for him ever since. 

But when I’m not on a wild dragon chase, I spend my time in the library. I’d like to think I’m only there to study, but who am I kidding? 

I’m there for him

Rufus Mortimer is the world’s hottest librarian. He’s strict, enigmatic, and sexy. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.  

But he has a secret. One that could destroy everything

So now, all I have to do is find a dragon, earn my doctorate, and try to not to let my new romance burn my life to the ground. Easy, right? 

I wish…

The Red Dragon of Oxford, book 1 in the Wings Over Albion series, is a sweet and spicy paranormal m/m romance with a guaranteed happily ever after. 



“You can’t take those.” The voice was deep, male, and came from very close behind me.

I spun around, heart hammering. The guy standing there was big—broad-shouldered, and muscular as if he worked out. His blue shirt pulled slightly over his chest, reinforcing his build. Rich brown hair fell past his shoulders, and his eyes were velvety brown in a face that left me breathless. His jaw was defined, his nose straight with slightly flared nostrils, and the firm line of disapproval his lips were pressed into failed to hide their sensuality. He belonged in Hollywood, not an Oxford library.

He was so close to me that it was intimidating. Moving back a few steps gave me the opportunity to take in allof him, and he was well worth it. The softest-looking faded jeans I’d ever seen outlined thick muscled thighs that had come straight out of my dreams. Callum was cute. This guy, though. This guy had me wanting to go to my knees for him. I was practically drooling.

Unfortunately, he was glaring at me and showed no sign of bending me over the nearest table and having his way with me.

I wrenched my mind back to the fact he’d said something to me. “Sorry, what?”

“You can’t take those books.”

“I’m a research student.” I tore my eyes away from his face long enough to thrust my library card at him. “I was told I could take up to twenty books out at once.”

“Well, you can’t.”

“It says so in the library rules. I live in college, so I wouldn’t have far to come if I got an alert saying someone else wanted them.”

“I don’t care. That’s too many books to take out of here.”

“Okay.” The intensity in him was something else, and I backed down. “How many am I allowed to take?”

He glanced over them. “Four,” he said, and it sounded reluctant.

My face must have shown my incredulity because he pointed out, “You can only read one at a time.”

Anger stirred in me. These weren’t novels, to be read one after another. They needed to be compared and cross-referenced as they were read. It was why I’d applied to Mortimer in the first place—the college’s collection of scarcely remembered German theologians was unrivalled and precisely what I needed for my dissertation.

“Sorry, who are you?” It finally occurred to me to ask. If he was just another research student throwing his weight around with the newbies, I’d tell him where to go. Surely he couldn’t be a tutor because he was only about thirty.

“The librarian.”

Holy crap, and I’d tried to argue the rules with him. “Good to meet you,” I said weakly and tried to smile at him. “I’m Mark Stevens.”

He nodded and folded his arms. His shirt’s valiant attempt to cope with his movement resulted in acres of silky material clinging to his muscles. I was staring again.

“Sorry, I don’t know your name,” I said when it was clear he wasn’t going to speak. He was still watching me as if to check I only took four books.

“Rufus Mortimer.”

“Like the college!” It was a stupid thing to say, but it was better than telling him I wanted to lick him.

He looked unimpressed. “Choose your four books. I’ll replace the others.”

The guy was kind of a prick, though I wasn’t sure what he could have said to my comment.

Once I’d found the four texts I most wanted, he gathered the remaining books into his arms. “Don’t forget to scan them,” he said as he moved away. “And don’t keep them long. They belong here.”

Until he said that, it hadn’t dawned on me that there was a way to keep access to all twenty books. And so many more. “I could have them all out on my desk if I stayed in here?”

“Of course.”

The way he said that nagged at me. It reminded me of something, but I didn’t know what. “In that case, please don’t shelve them,” I said. “I’m going to get my stuff from my room and work here.”

“Okay,” he said, but he didn’t put them down. He watched me leave, holding the books close, cradling them like they were his babies.


About the Author 

Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse riding and gardening (though not all at the same time).

Joy tends to wax lyrical about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully, she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive.


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

The Week Before Christmas by Beth Laycock #kindleunlimited #giveaway


Book Title: The Week Before Christmas

Author: Beth Laycock

Publisher: Rainbow Romance Press

Cover Artist: Free To Be Creative

Release Date: November 11, 2022

Genre: Paranormal M/M Romance (shifter)

Tropes: Saving Christmas, Forced proximity, Friends to lovers

Themes: Found family, acceptance

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 23 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK


What better Christmas present is there than finding your fated mate?



’Twas the week before Christmas

And all across Christmas Cove the elves were snowed under.

Preparing presents for Santa’s sleigh 

To deliver to children all around the world.

But Dash—Santa’s favourite reindeer—is missing. 


In his place, Aubron, the elf responsible for looking after all of Santa’s reindeer, finds a naked man in Dash’s stall. 

A stranger he is inexplicably drawn to.

Can Aubron find Dash, and figure out who the mystery man is before Christmas is ruined?

This M/M romance from Beth Laycock features fated mates, a reindeer shifter, an elf definitely not left on the shelf, Santa, the North Pole, lashings of Christmas spirit, and of course a HEA.



The workshop was abuzz with activity, even at this early hour, but before I could unwrap my scarf, Santa waved me over. Dodging the elves already hard at work, I followed him into his office, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling of déjà vu.

“Did you check on Dash?” Santa asked as he paced the length of his small office.

“Yes. As soon as I left you yesterday. He was fine—even managed to polish off a good helping of his favourite moss. Then I took him out for a walk along the seashore once I’d finished all my jobs and he had fun splashing in the shallows.”

Santa stopped and spun to face me, tugging on his white beard. “Really?” I nodded and he dropped into his chair with a grunt. “I don’t understand. When I went in last night before I went to bed, the other reindeer were sound asleep, but Dash was pacing his stall, scraping his hooves across the stones over and over. Even when I spoke to him, he didn’t settle but eventually lay down. He looked so sad though, and he was still awake when I left.”

Santa sounded distraught, but I didn’t know what to say—Dash had been fine when I’d left him.

“What if it’s something serious?” Santa’s eyebrows disappeared beneath the white curls falling over his forehead.

I swallowed thickly at the thought.

“What if he can’t fly on Christmas Eve? What would we do then? There’s no other reindeer that could take his place—none of them can fly.” Santa’s eyes met mine across the desk. “Christmas will be ruined.”

I stared at Santa not knowing what to say. There was nothing to say, he was right, it would be. So, I did the only thing I could and hurried away to check on Dash.

Christmas will be ruined. All the way to the barn those words echoed through my mind. Christmas will be ruined. I yanked my feet out of the snow—almost buried to my knee—hurrying as best I could over last night’s snowfall. By the time I reached the barn, my chest was heaving, plumes of my breath misting on the air, and I didn’t think it was just the exertion of rushing.

I grabbed the large iron handle and tugged on the door—nothing. It didn’t move an inch and my dream flickered in full technicolour beneath my closed eyelids. This could not be happening.

I heaved on the handle, putting my full weight behind it, and was rewarded by the squeal of the wheels as the door slid open. Releasing a sigh of relief, I hurried inside, dashing down the centre aisle of the barn, past the stalls with the other reindeer, a couple of them lifting their heads to peek out at the commotion I was making.

I reached Dash’s stall and pulled up short. It was empty. Huh? The gate was bolted shut and Santa hadn’t said anybody else was checking on Dash. I leant over the wooden slat to peer into the stall and almost fell over the gate and inside when I spied the stranger curled up in the corner—the strange man who was butt naked.


About the Author 

Beth Laycock’s books are influenced by her time living overseas as well as the gritty, urban landscape of the north of England where she grew up. She has been reading romance since she was old enough to tell herself that line every book lover does—just one more chapter.

As a teenager, she attempted to write her first novel, and many more since then are still gathering dust on her bookshelf. It wasn’t until she discovered the M/M genre that her muse showed up and refused to quit telling her stories about beautiful men finding love together. She hasn’t stopped scribbling them down since. Beth’s muse usually shows up when she is in the shower, is allergic to cleaning, rarely lets her watch TV, and insists she drinks copious amounts of coffee so she can turn caffeine into words.

 Beth’s books range from sweet to sexy, long to short, contemporary to paranormal, but a HEA is always guaranteed.


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

The Final Salvation by Nic Starr and BL Maxwell #kindleunlimited #giveaway


Book Title: The Final Salvation (Four Packs Trilogy Book 3)

Authors/Publishers: Nic Starr/BL Maxwell

Cover Artist: BL Maxwell

Release Date: August 31, 2022

Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance 

Tropes: Protector/Ward, Shifters, Fated Mates, Friends to lovers, Forced Proximity, Opposites Attract, Hurt/ Comfort, MM Paranormal

Themes: Fight for Love, Fated Love

Heat Rating: 4 flames     

Length:  approx. 40 000 words

It is not a standalone book. It is the third in the Four Packs series.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

Series Link




Luca Bassani enjoyed a quiet, ordinary life. As an IT guru, most of his time was spent engrossed in technology and away from people. Now all that’s changed. As the one man who is a compatible donor, he’s suddenly essential to keeping his alpha healthy and preventing him from succumbing to The Slow Death. But serving his alpha, Zander Kingston, is something Luca is proud to do.

Diesel Jones is an enforcer. Following in his father’s footsteps, he has big boots to fill. But he’s focused and dedicated to the East Territory pack and avoids anything that distracts him from his duty. His dedication, together with his brawn and brains, ensure his reputation as being the best at his job.

When a possible threat on Alpha Zander Kingston’s life is uncovered, tensions rise within the pack. Security is increased and Diesel is assigned as the personal bodyguard for Luca. They find themselves paired against the enemy while battling their growing attraction.

Diesel must keep Luca safe and ensure his alpha’s life by doing so. But pack rivalry is strong and when threats become actions, suddenly Diesel is in the race of his life to ensure the future of the pack and to save the person who has come to mean everything to him.

The Final Salvation is part of the Four Packs Trilogy. While it can be read as a standalone, to ensure maximum enjoyment, it is best read in series order.

#mmparanormal #shifters #fatedmates #forcedproximity #oppositesattract #hurtcomfort




“Alpha, we came as soon as we got your message. We’re here to accompany to you to the North Territory as soon as you’re ready.” The one that spoke was the head enforcer, a big man with grey hair that somehow made him seem less intimidating—until he turned his eyes on Luca. They were not the warm, friendly eyes of someone’s grandfather, but the cold emotionless glare of a serious enforcer.

“Luca and my mate will also be joining us. I want one of you on each of them,” Zander directed.

The head enforcer bristled but bowed his head in respect. “Of course, Alpha. I suggest we take two vehicles. That way it won’t be quite so obvious that we’re all traveling together. The less conspicuous the better.”

One of the enforcers was familiar to Luca, but he couldn’t place where he knew him from. He was younger than the others, but in height and bulk he was bigger than them. He scanned the room while Zander spoke more in depth to the older enforcer, as Marrok watched on. He had yet to start the transfusion, and Luca wondered if they’d still be doing a treatment. When Luca’s and the enforcer’s eyes locked on each other, the strange feeling Luca had earlier intensified. The enforcer’s eyes widened in shock, but just as suddenly as it had happened, he looked away. Luca narrowed his eyes as he focused on the enforcer. His hair was cut short, and his eyes were both intelligent and vigilant. He seemed to see everything and analyze it as either a threat or a minor annoyance. He was all muscle, and it was no small feat that his shirt didn’t explode from all it contained.

Luca laughed at his thoughts, making everyone look. A blush crept up from his neck to his cheeks. “Sorry, I was just remembering something funny I saw on television,” he mumbled.


About the Authors

BL Maxwell

BL Maxwell grew up in a small town listening to her grandfather spin tales about his childhood. Later she became an avid reader and after a certain vampire series she became obsessed with fanfiction. She soon discovered Slash fanfiction and later discovered the MM genre and was hooked.

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Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

You can find Nic on Facebook, Twitter and her blog. She’d love it if you stopped by to say hi.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Again: Fox Hollow Zodiac Novel 2–MM Shifter Romance Suspense by Morgan Brice


Book Title: Again: Fox Hollow Zodiac Novel 2–MM Shifter Romance Suspense

Author: Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Cover Artist: Adrijus Guscia, cover wrap by Natania Barron

Release Date: July 5, 2022

Genres: Urban fantasy, MM shifter romance suspense

Tropes: Shifters, one true pairing (OTP), reincarnation, fated mates, mating bites, psychics, magic, curses, hurt/comfort, found family, 

Themes: Long-distance relationship, having faith in each other, knowing you can depend on each other, navigating a new relationship

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 247 pages

It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


The fast, furry, and furious! A lynx shifter, pursued by a cryptid trophy hunter. A wolf shifter desperate to rescue a lover who’s not just his fated mate—but his one true pairing across past lives. And a love that transcends time.



The fast, furry, and furious! A lynx shifter, pursued by a cryptid trophy hunter. A wolf shifter desperate to rescue a lover who’s not just his fated mate—but his one true pairing across past lives. And a love that transcends time.

Lynx shifter Noah Wilson narrowly escaped being captured by the Huntsman. While recuperating in Fox Hollow, he meets his fated mate, wolf shifter Drew Lowe.

Noah has to return to Canada to finish filming his TV projects, so he and Drew visit when they can and come up with creative solutions to their long-distance relationship. Noah and Drew are sure they’re meant for each other and start making plans.

Drew’s dreams make him wonder if he and Noah are more than fated mates—could they be a true pairing, destined to find each other lifetime after lifetime?

Then Noah accidentally records a murder, and the killer is on his trail. Can he elude a master tracker and reach the safety of Fox Hollow, or will he and Drew have to wait to find happiness in another life?

Again is a thrill-packed MM shifter romance adventure full of sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, one true pairing, reincarnation, sincere psychics, hunky mechanics, first responders, a sexy wildlife photographer, found family, and fated mates.



“I wish you could see this view in person—except for how cold it is.” Noah snapped a photo that didn’t do the colors of dawn justice, and sent it with his text to Drew.

He waited for a reply and realized Drew probably wasn’t awake yet. No one in their right mind is up at this hour.

He’d made the best of the cramped hotel room, knowing from experience to bring an extra blanket, good pillow, books, and power strips. Hotels never had enough outlets to charge his cameras. Fortunately, travel wasn’t a constant, but staying overnight to get the right light or have time to set up cameras happened fairly often.

Will that be a problem with Drew? Will he resent my photography? It’s a demanding job.

Noah cleaned his lenses and checked his batteries as he packed his day bag. Travel made it easy to find overnight company without entanglement, and he’d long ago grown tired of waking up alone. He’d had a serious relationship back in film school, which fizzled after graduation. There were a few boyfriends who lasted more than a month or two, but his irregular hours always ended up being more than anyone wanted to deal with for long.

Can it be different with Drew? We felt such an immediate bond—I’ve never had a connection like that with anyone. It’s like we’ve known each other forever.

“Of course. We’re fated mates,” his lynx reminded him, as if Noah could forget.

He smiled, thinking of their conversation that ended only a few hours ago. It wasn’t just the sex—although that was combustible in a way Noah had never experienced before. Everything took on a different light when it involved Drew. Talking about the trivial activities of the day wasn’t boring. Sharing a movie or even reading the same book and talking about their reactions now felt satisfying and fun.

I’m a Cancer—we’re protective and defend our family. Except I don’t really have any.

Noah didn’t have many living relatives. His father had vanished when he was young, and his mother died two years ago from a bad heart. He had a brother and sister, but they drifted apart, and Noah hadn’t heard from them in years. He wasn’t sure he even had valid addresses for them.

Drew is my mate. He’s my family now. And he has Russ and Liam and their friends. A pack. Someday, they’ll be my pack.

Clowder, his lynx sniffed. Lynxes have a clowder, not a pack.

Sounds like soup.

Clowder is not chowder, silly human. But we could vote to let Drew be an honorary lynx and join.

Vote? Who—you and me?

We are the only ones in our clowder now. It would be nice to add our mate—even if he is a dog.



I’ve fallen hard. And it should scare me. But it doesn’t. When I worry that he might not feel the same, I can’t breathe



About the Author

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

The Ultimate Sacrifice by Nic Starr & BL Maxwell #kindleunlimited


Book Title: The Ultimate Sacrifice (Four Packs #2)

Author: Nic Starr & BL Maxwell

Publisher: Independently Published

Cover Artist: BL Maxwell

Release Date: April 28, 2022

Genre: Paranormal M/M Romance

Tropes:  Shifters, Fated Mates, Forced Proximity, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers

Themes: New Beginnings, Forbidden Love

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: approx. 40 000 words

It is book 2 of the Four Packs Trilogy and does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link  |  Amazon US |  Amazon UK

Amazon CA  |  Amazon AU  |  Amazon DE




Grady Summerville is facing a slow and agonizing death, but has come to terms with his disease and doesn’t fear dying. However, fate has other ideas, presenting him with a future thanks to Max Steele. Grady owes his very life to Max, and as his health improves, finds himself falling head over heels with his savior.

Max Steele has been forced to leave his pack and everyone he knows to move to the West Territory to be a blood donor for Grady. He knows it’s the right thing to do, but it doesn’t mean he has to like it.

As tensions escalate between the two packs, Max finds his loyalty tested and is torn between following his alpha, or following his heart.

If Max doesn’t make the sacrifice then it will be Grady making the ultimate sacrifice and paying with his life.




Max couldn’t believe he had Grady in his arms at last. And, oh my God, the way Grady looked at him with those big green eyes, as if Max was everything. He’d promised Marrok he’d wait for Grady to make the decision—not that it was truly a choice at all—that they should be together, and everything in Grady’s demeanour, in his expression, screamed he was ready. Still, Max hesitated.

“Are you sure this is what you want, Grady?”

Grady nodded, then buried his face against Max’s throat.

Max groaned at the feel of Grady’s tongue against his burning skin. “I need to hear the words,” he gritted out.

Grady paused, then pulled back, meeting Max’s gaze. “Yes. Yes, I want this. Yes, I want you.”

That was all Max needed to hear.

He grabbed Grady’s hand and almost dragged him to his bedroom. He’d waited weeks for this and with each week that passed the draw had only gotten stronger. Each transfusion had placed him on a sexual knife’s edge, and he’d almost reached breaking point. The bond between shifters was compelling, and it had been torture denying what his body was longing to do.

They stopped beside the bed where Max lowered his mouth to Grady’s once more. The kiss was intense, Grady groaning into his mouth and pushing against him. Max continued to kiss him, at the same time, fumbling with Grady’s shirt buttons. He soon had the shirt undone and on the floor, closely followed by Grady’s jeans. He finally broke their kiss and maneuvered Grady to the edge of the bed and nudged him. Grady took the hint and sat. Max knelt at his feet and took off his shoes and socks, then pulled the jeans the out of the way from where they had bunched at Grady’s ankles. Even Grady’s feet were beautiful—long and slim, with graceful arches. He stroked along one foot, and ran his hand up Grady’s leg, stopping with his hands on Grady’s knees. He looked up.

Grady met his gaze full on. He was flushed and kiss ravaged, his lids were hooded, breath coming fast. As Max looked at him, he flashed a small smile. Max rose on his knees and kissed him again. Will I ever get enough of his kisses?

He ran his hands up Grady’s slim thighs, the light dusting of hair tickling his palms. He allowed his palms to skim Grady’s sides, chuckling a little when Grady jerked. Ticklish. Interesting. As his fingertips trailed across Grady’s ribs, he couldn’t help but note how thin he still was. It gave him momentary pause, but regardless of his lack of bulk, Max knew Grady now possessed a strength that belied his size.

Grady gripped the sides of his head and Max gave in to the gentle tug, allowing himself to be drawn into another of those amazing kisses. Grady reached for his buttons, lips never losing contact, so Max raised his hands and helped. Together they made quick work of the buttons and Max’s shirt joined Grady’s on the floor.

Max skirted Grady’s sides again, lowering his hands to the waistband of Grady’s briefs. He pulled back slightly, the question in his eyes.


About the Authors

BL Maxwell

BL Maxwell grew up in a small town listening to her grandfather spin tales about his childhood. Later she became an avid reader and after a certain vampire series she became obsessed with fanfiction. She soon discovered Slash fanfiction and later discovered the MM genre and was hooked.

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Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

You can find Nic on Facebook, Twitter and her blog. She’d love it if you stopped by to say hi.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

The Slow Death by Nic Starr and BL Maxwell #kindleunlimited #giveaway


Book Title: The Slow Death 

Authors: Nic Starr and BL Maxwell 

Release Date: January 26, 2022

Genre: MM Paranormal Romance

Tropes: Forbidden Love, Fated Mates, Reluctant Alpha 

Themes: Forgiveness, New Alpha, Shifter Society

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 46 000 words/ 165 pages

It is the first book in a trilogy, but does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


Caught in the fallout of a rare disease, and members of opposing packs, Zander and Marrok’s future as fated mates hangs in the balance.



Alexander Kingston wasn’t destined to lead the East Territory pack, but fate had other ideas. Becoming the next Alpha in his dead brother’s place and managing his father’s expectations is a challenge, one that’s only getting harder with time. When his father, the Alpha is reluctant to accept outside assistance when one of their own is afflicted with a deadly blood disorder, Zander must take a stand against his father or lose another pack member to The Slow Death.

Marrok Blain is part of the North Territory pack. With his unique knowledge of The Slow Death, the debilitating progressive disorder that slowly kills with every shift, he offers help, knowing he’ll be met with resistance from his friend’s pack. What he doesn’t expect is the overwhelming pull to the stubborn yet undeniably gorgeous son of the East Territory Alpha.

Four packs coexisting with rising tensions, and a genetic disorder that reminds them of the common thread that connects them all. Zander and Marrok are the key to an uneasy alliance, or all the packs will suffer. Especially Zander, who discovers he’s got one more deadly fight to face.




“I need to speak to the alpha!” Marrok tried to move past the other man who stood slightly taller than his own six foot two.

“Sorry, he’s busy. Can I help you?” He stepped right in front of Marrok again.

“I want to speak to the alpha!” he gritted out, his patience gone.

“What’s going on out here?”

The power of the alpha was immediately felt and Marrok fought and lost as he tried not to bow his head in submission and respect.

“I want to know why you’re not doing more to find Grady a donor.”

The guy who’d tried to stop Marrok stayed close, his eyes focused on him. Marrok shot him a look, and when their eyes locked a force more powerful than even the command of the alpha rippled across his senses. It was there and gone so fast he didn’t have time to put a name to it, so ignoring the shocked expression that crossed the other man’s face, he forced his eyes back to the alpha.

“I want some answers, and if I can help, I want to be involved. Grady’s important to me, and if you’re not willing to help him I will. There’s no chance in hell I’ll let him die without a fight.”

Marrok glanced again at the man who still had his eyes locked on him and now had his arms crossed in obvious annoyance, before looking back to the alpha.

“You must be Marrok. I’m Andreas, Alpha of East Territory. This is my son Alexander.”

Marrok looked between the two men and saw the resemblance but didn’t care who the guy was. Whatever had passed between them didn’t matter. His friend came first, and the fact that they had let him decline so much before seeking help pissed him off.

“Why didn’t you reach out sooner? You know we’re close to finding a cure, but even without a cure our registry might help him find a donor.”

The alpha looked to his son and Alexander looked away, out of frustration or shame, Marrok wasn’t sure. He turned to Marrok again. “We’ve done all we can. Don’t you dare storm in here and talk to me this way. I spoke to your grandfather and agreed to see you as a courtesy, but I will not listen to you imply that I don’t care about our pack members. Now if you’ll kindly make an appointment—”

“Great.” The word dripped with sarcasm. He didn’t try to hide his frustration, and he wouldn’t play nice to appease the feelings of a stranger, no matter who they were. Both of them were responsible for Grady’s situation as far as he was concerned, and both of them would pay if Grady succumbed to TSD. Marrok knew he couldn’t hurt them physically, but he could withhold any information and data that would help them and their pack in the future. “How about you let me know when you’re finally ready to save your pack member?”

He realized he’d been staring at Alexander since the alpha had spoken, and he also realized he hated whatever was between them. Alexander narrowed his eyes, and Marrok knew he felt the same. He took one more look at the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen, before turning on his heel and storming from the building.


About the Authors

BL Maxwell

BL Maxwell grew up in a small town listening to her grandfather spin tales about his childhood. Later she became an avid reader and after a certain vampire series she became obsessed with fanfiction. She soon discovered Slash fanfiction and later discovered the MM genre and was hooked.

Contact and Social Media Links



Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

You can find Nic on Facebook, Twitter and her blog. She’d love it if you stopped by to say hi.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

By the Red Moonlight by Amanda Meuwissen #giveaway


Book Title: By the Red Moonlight

Author: Amanda Meuwissen

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Kris Norris

Release Date: October 5, 2021

Genre: Shifter Paranormal M/M Romance

Tropes: Forbidden love, enemies to lovers, found family

Themes: Destiny

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 221 pages

It is book 1 of a new series but does not end on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

Dreamspinner Press


On All Hallow’s Eve when the sky glows bright…



Alpha werewolf, crime boss, and secret Seer Bashir Bain is neck-deep in negotiating a marriage of convenience with a neighboring alpha when a tense situation goes from bad to worse. A job applicant at one of Bash’s businesses—a guy who was supposed to be a simple ex-cop, ex-con tattoo artist—suddenly turns up undead.

A rogue newborn vampire would have been a big wrench in Bash’s plans even without his attraction to the man. After all, new vampires are under their sire’s control, and Ethan Lambert doesn’t even know who turned him. When Bash spares his life, he opens himself up for mutiny, a broken engagement, and an unexpected—and risky—relationship.

Ethan just wants a fresh start after being released from prison. Before he can get it, he’ll need to turn private investigator to find out who sired him and what he wants. And he’d better do it quick, because the moon is full, and according to Bash’s prophecy, life and death hang in the balance.



Blood. Not visible, but he could smell it. A lot of it. Impossible to detect inside the parlor, because it always carried a faint scent of blood due to the needle work, but outside, Bash had no doubts. Those who knew about him being a Seer knew his hunches were never wrong.

A man sprinted toward him and was stopped cold when Bash shot out an arm to catch him by the throat.

No, not a man.

A vampire.

The hiss and growl and snap of fangs made it difficult to hold the creature at bay, especially since he was strong—incredibly strong. Bash could barely contain him, which should not have been a challenge as an Alpha against a newborn, but that’s what this vampire had to be, because Bash recognized him, and he hadn’t been a vampire a few hours ago. The sire had to be powerful to create a fledgling this strong on its first night turned.

“A shame we couldn’t offer you that job, Mr. Lambert,” Bash said evenly. Poor man never even made it out of the neighborhood after his interview.

Lambert—Ethan Lambert, Bash recalled—snapped again with a click of fangs. A shame indeed, but this had to be Ethan. Bash would have known anyone else lurking about these streets, shifter or human, and the young vampire had natural red hair and a handsome face beneath the raging hunger, just how Siobhan had described him.

Shifter eyes glowed with power when they gave in to their true forms, but a vampire’s changed entirely. They shone yellow when fed, amber when hungry, and red when feral. Ethan’s eyes matched the moon above. What little control he might have had if he wasn’t a newborn was buried in the back of his mind by the overwhelming need to feed.

“The hell?” Deanna bellowed from the mouth of the alley, throwing back her shoulders and letting her fangs and claws extend, her skin darkening to a deep indigo-black, fur sprouting rapidly across her skin. She was ready to tear the vampire to pieces as soon as Bash threw him her way, which was what Bash planned to do….

When he caught the glow of the scarlet moon above Ethan’s head.

Somewhere deep within the red of Ethan’s eyes was green. Bash couldn’t see it, but he knew, like a vision of the man Ethan had once been, beautiful and smiling and utterly enchanting.

With a howl, Bash slammed Ethan’s head down into the pavement once, twice, three times before he stilled.

“What did you do that for?” Deanna growled. “Rip his damn head off!”

“No,” Bash said, the claws of the hand that had seized Ethan the only part of him changed, and now that too shifted back. He bent beside Ethan, whose fangs were still visible with his lips parted, but his eyes were closed, chest still since he no longer needed to breathe. “We’re bringing him back to the den. I have questions.”

“What?” Deanna balked, all towering force even as she shifted human, save the glow of her burning violet eyes. “That’s a vampire, Bash! A parasite!”

“I’m aware, and we are taking him back with us. Now pick him up.”

“Fat chance!”

“Deanna, I am your—”

“Fuck you, big shot Alpha! When you’re being an idiot, you’re just Bash, and you can’t go bringing some fanger home when negotiations with Russell are heating up. If you ever thought a Halloween was the night, this is the one. Kill the guy and be done with it.”

That was the easy answer, but if it was easy, why bother with a prophecy? When had a vampire even entered Bash’s city? And what did it want? It couldn’t be a coincidence that Ethan had been turned and left on Bash’s doorstep.

Vampires were vermin, an infestation to be rid of if even one was discovered in pack territory. As they aged, they became far stronger than shifters, which was why they had to be eradicated before they spread, or they might take over. They were messy and foolish and too easily made feral, just like their wild newborns. Better to kill them on sight, always. Bash couldn’t even remember the last time a vampire had been spotted in Centrus City.

But if the prophecy meant for Bash to kill Ethan, why have his art so entrancing? Why have his eyes cut through Bash like bullets? Why have every part of Bash’s instincts screaming at him that killing was not the answer? There were too many connecting pieces for him to take the easy route like his father would have in his place.

“Pick him up. If I’m right, my future betrothed never needs to know.”

“Yeah,” Deanna scoffed despite bending to do as ordered, “and if you’re wrong, we’re all screwed.”



About the Author 

Amanda Meuwissen is a bisexual author, with a primary focus on M/M romance. As author of the paranormal romance trilogy The Incubus Saga and several other titles with various publishers, Amanda regularly attends local comic conventions for fun and to meet with fans, where she will often be seen in costume as one of her favorite fictional characters. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband, John, and their cat, Helga.



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New Release – Reclaiming Pride by Jessie G #giveaway


Book Title: Reclaiming Pride

Author: Jessie G

Publisher: Jessie G Books Inc

Cover Artist: Andrew Reyna

Photographer: CJC Photography

Cover Models: Luiz Oliveira & Yenner Sanchez

Release Date: May 18, 2021

Genre:  MM Paranormal Romance

Tropes: shifters, hurt/comfort

Themes: prophecy, betrayal, trust

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  66 000 words/220 pages

It is book 2 in the Kindred Story Trilogy

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Grigori & Matisse must accept their destiny and learn to trust each other before they can face the enemy they know…and the one they never saw coming



The first time Grigori Federov, Zenith of the Wall, dreamed of his Kindred, he feared Crowley’s good fortune was making him wish for things he couldn’t have. As much as he doesn’t want to get his hopes up, the man in his dreams is in trouble, and every time they connect, the threat is worse. Accepting that his fated mate is real is the first step to finding him but saving him is only the beginning of their problems.

A lifetime of running and losing everyone he loves has taught Matisse that no one can be trusted, and he doesn’t believe he’ll ever be safe. When Grigori tries to convince him otherwise, his wish for it to be true isn’t enough for him to let down his guard. But while he doesn’t believe in fairy tales, he may not have a choice when the only one who can stop the hunters is the Zenith who wants to love him. 

Discovering who they are together reveals a connection between the Kindreds that could be a clue to fulfilling the prophecy. Unfortunately, it also exposes a deception that forces the Zeniths to question their sacred purpose. 

Now they have to decide: are they destined to save the world or destroy it?



Everyone knew the least trustworthy person was the one who begged to be trusted. Grigori didn’t look like the type to beg, but Matisse figured a guy who showed up with an army at the exact moment it was needed would feel secure in the image he was presenting. With all those muscles and a generous helping of facial fur accentuating his scowl, the army was actually overkill. 

You’re safe now, said the big burly bear to the itty-bitty lynx.

It was laughable. More than that, it was the most wildly outlandish claim he’d ever heard. Safe? Come on! A kit still wobbling on four paws would know better. 

So, why didn’t he?

“Are you cold?” Grigori frowned and stepped closer. “You shivered.”

“I did?” He hadn’t realized, but Matisse didn’t think it had anything to do with the temperature. “No, I’m pissed that I didn’t realize how close the hunters were. I can’t afford to get caught off guard like that.”

Then again, he couldn’t afford to follow a voice in his head and yet here he was in a place he’d never been with men he’d never met half-believing that he was safe because the big, smoldering badass said so.

“You were focused on my army charging toward you. I think you can cut yourself some slack.”

“Except that mistake could have gotten me killed, so no slack and no excuses.” And no more getting distracted by his hot savior. 

By all appearances, Grigori knew he was in trouble even though they had never met before and had rushed to help him. In Matisse’s experience, strangers didn’t do that for one another unless they had an ulterior motive. He just needed to figure out if Grigori was in league with the hunters or if he was working another angle. 

“Do you know why they’re after me?”

“Not yet.” Grigori offered him a reassuring smile that seemed…awkward. Unused. Kind of endearing, not that Matisse was fooled. Much. “Mehdi will keep at least one alive so we can get you that answer.”

“Only one?” Matisse didn’t want to sound ungrateful. Friend or foe, perfectly timed or total coincidence, Grigori and his men were the reason he was still alive. 

Grigori gave him a funny look and reminded, “They were trying to kill you.”

“I know.” Who knew better than him? “I just…” Matisse trailed off with a shrug. All he wanted was to have a normal, threat-free life like everyone else. It was a simple request, and one he didn’t think required a blood sacrifice.


About the Author 

Jessie G is a bestselling MM Romance author with a penchant for hurt/comfort stories featuring chosen families and second chances. She likes her men rough around the edges and willing to wallow into the darkness to save the one they love. From ex-cons to bad boy bikers, military heroes to fated mates, she hopes you find your next great read among her books.


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Blog Tour – Haven by Morgan Brice #KindleUnlimited


Book Title: Haven

Author: Morgan Brice

Cover Artist: Alexandria Corza

Release Date: April 8, 2021

Genre/s: MM paranormal romance/mystery

Trope/s: Action, mystery, hurt/comfort, geeks in love, supernatural secrets, a brave historian and a lovelorn private detective, plus a guaranteed HEA. Old secrets, hidden psychics, secret shifters, ghosts, scandals—and true love.

Themes: Age gap, starting over, friends to lovers, 

Heat Rating: 4 flames       

Length: 60 000 words/200 pages

It is a standalone book, but there are soft ties to Morgan’s Fox Hollow series. Other than the shared elements of the magic emporium, it does not connect to any of the other books in the Magic Emporium series.

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Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Old secrets, hidden psychics, secret shifters, ghosts, scandals—and true love.



A series of long-ago disappearances leads cold case private detective Austin Williams to investigate a troubled sanitarium. Jamie Miller is new in town, temporarily running the local historical association, and he willingly signs on to help solve Austin’s mystery. Sparks fly between them as they dig into the hospital’s troubled past. But someone wants the past to stay buried—and is willing to bury Austin and Jamie to keep it that way. 

Haven is part of the Magic Emporium series. Each book stands alone, but each one features an appearance by Marden’s Magic Emporium, a shop that can appear anywhere, but only once and only when someone’s in dire need. This book contains explicit scenes, action, mystery, hurt/comfort, geeks in love, supernatural secrets, a brave historian and a lovelorn private detective, plus a guaranteed HEA. It is loosely connected to my Fox Hollow series. 



The handsome stranger looked a bit pole-axed, staring at Jamie in surprised recognition although he didn’t seem familiar.

“We’ll be closing at five, but we open tomorrow at nine,” he offered, wondering if the man was lost.

The newcomer smiled, and Jamie’s heart sped up. Short, dark blond hair, pretty brown eyes, and broad shoulders got his attention right away. So did the toned chest that tapered to narrow hips beneath the man’s sweater and jacket. He definitely caught Jamie’s notice, something that hadn’t happened often since he’d moved to Saranac Lake.

“I realize it’s close to quitting time, but I wondered if I could meet the archivist? Then we can pick up in the morning.”

Jamie chuckled. “That would be me. Temporary archivist Jamie Miller, at your service.”

Hmm…I wouldn’t mind “servicing” him. Guys like that don’t wander in places like this every day.

The newcomer smiled and stepped close enough to shake hands. “Austin Williams. I’m doing some genealogical research, and I’m hoping you can help me. It’s a bit like solving a mystery—I’ve got bits and pieces, but I need to find the glue to hold them together.”

Austin’s hand was warm and the palm more calloused than Jamie had expected. His first guess had been that the man was a professor or researcher, but the callouses suggested a more hands-on vocation. Maybe I can get some answers while I’m helping him with his “bits and pieces.”

Jamie almost felt guilty about lusting after the man, but he’d had a long dry spell, and Austin was the best thing to come along in quite a while.

“We’re still open for twenty minutes. Tell me what you’re looking for, and that way I can think about it overnight so we can get a jumpstart tomorrow.” Jamie waived Austin toward a seat at a study table.

Jamie listened as Austin talked about his great-uncle’s disappearance and his grandmother’s desire for answers. He asked a few questions, most of which Austin said he didn’t know the answers to. When Austin fell silent, Jamie leaned back in his chair, sad to find that they only had a few minutes left before he needed to close up.

“I’m happy to help you, but the kind of records that might help you find your great-uncle would be at the county courthouse or the library,” Jamie said. “Especially if he wasn’t from a local family, I don’t think anything we’d have here will be what you need.”

Austin hesitated like he was trying to decide whether he should confide in Jamie. “I think he might have been a patient at Havenwood,” he said quietly. “I thought the archive might be able to shed some light on the hospital in that period.”

“Oh.” Jamie had only been at the archive for a month, but he’d already heard plenty of whispers about Havenwood, the creepy old abandoned hospital on the edge of town. “That’s a bit of a touchy subject. What are you hoping to find?”

Havenwood had been closed for decades, but plenty of people in town had worked there, and many of those former employees were still alive. Jamie had overheard some heated arguments between long-time residents over the rumors that still circulated about the old mental institution. He had steered clear since he was just filling in until a permanent archivist could be found. Still, he figured that both sides probably had a bit of truth to them. A place that big with such a long history dealing with vulnerable people was bound to have some heroes and villains.

Which made him wonder what Austin was really hoping to find.

The alarm on Jamie’s phone went off, telling him it was time to lock up. “I have to close on time,” Jamie said, sorry to bring the conversation to an end. “Our insurance company won’t let me stay open beyond the posted times or have anyone inside after we’re closed.”

Austin rose. “I understand. Thanks for listening. I’ll be glad for any help.” He paused. “One more question—where’s a good place to get a bite to eat?” he asked with a slightly shy smile that sent a surge of heat to Jamie’s groin.

“Do you like pizza? Moosehead Inn is a locals’ joint that serves great food. I was going to head over once I lock up—you’re welcome to join me if you don’t have other plans,” Jamie offered, trying to sound nonchalant.

Did I just ask him out? Holy shit. I haven’t done that in…forever.

Austin brightened, and his smile grew broader. “I’d like that. I’ll wait outside. Can we walk there? I didn’t bring my car.”

Jamie nodded, still a little surprised at his own boldness. “Sure. See you in a few minutes.”

He ushered Austin out the door and locked it behind him. Fortunately, Jamie had gotten a head start on the lock-up checklist before the sexy stranger arrived. He powered down the computer and started flipping off light switches as he made his way toward the back door.

This was the part he really disliked. Once he turned on the alarm system, the security lights would come on. But on the way to the back door, the old house got darker, and the shadows stretched longer with every switch he flicked.

I thought I knew what I was getting into when I took the job. But it’s just temporary, and I’m still sending out applications for something better, he reminded himself.

An old house like this was likely to have ghosts, even without being turned into a museum of sorts. Bring together thepersonal belongings of hundreds of people, bits of local history, journals, and letters, and it didn’t surprise Jamie that the place was haunted. Even if no one else seemed to believe it.

Click, click, click. He turned off the lights in the foyer and the former sitting room and dining room. Jamie had closed up the upstairs rooms early since it was a slow day. It held a storage area, a library of books written by local authors and books about the Saranac Lake area, as well as a conference room and a small classroom for lectures. The attic and basement were storage areas that weren’t open to the public, which made Jamie very happy since both gave him the creeps.

Click. The lights in the old parlor went dark, and Jamie braced himself. On the nights the ghosts felt frisky, this was when the shenanigans started.

A cool breeze out of nowhere made the hair on the back of Jamie’s neck rise. He heard the glissando of crystal pendants gently bumping together, the decorative dangles on a vintage oil lamp in the parlor that shouldn’t have any reason to move.

Jamie resolutely ignored the shadow gliding just at the edge of his peripheral vision as he hurried down the hallway. The kitchen doubled as the staff room and was the least haunted place in the building. Jamie heard footsteps on the stairs and forced himself to breathe. He knew there was no one else in the old house—at least, no one living.

In the room to his left by the back door, the former sewing room for the ladies of the house, he glimpsed a familiar gray figure and heard the swish of crinoline and linen. To his right, in the small office that was once the cook’s room, a rocking chair creaked.

Jamie’s hand shook as he set the alarm. The ghosts didn’t act up every night, and some evenings they were more riled than others. So far, none of them had tried to hurt him. As unsettling as the ghostly manifestations were, Jamie couldn’t object to spirits wanting to stay in a place that meant something to them. He didn’t mess with them, and he really hoped that meant they would return the favor.

The alarm beeped, and the security lights came on, dim but enough to send the shadows scurrying. The sounds stopped, and the house grew quiet. Jamie slipped out the back door and checked the lock, then let out a long breath. The halogen light above the door made the area around the steps almost as bright as day. He shook off the weirdness and smiled, excited about dinner with Austin.

It’s not a date. But I wish it was. Maybe…

This could be a pleasant diversion, Jamie told himself. Austin was just in town to look up some family history, and Jamie’s role with the archive was temporary. Nothing said they couldn’t have a little fun while their paths crossed.


About the Author


Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.


Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!


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New Release – Unashamedly Us (Offbeat Shifters Book 4) by Colette Davison @Colette_Davison #KindleUnlimited


Book Title: Unashamedly Us (Offbeat Shifters Book 4)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date: April 13, 2021

Genre/s: Paranormal M/M romance

Trope/s: Omegaverse, shifters, age gap (19 years), mpreg, pop star, hurt/comfort, found family

Themes: Importance of family, being true to yourself, standing up for yourself

Heat Rating:  4 flames    

Length: 77 000 words

Nott a sttandalone story. It is the fourth book in a series, which should be read in order. At the very least, it should be read after book 3, Unapologetically Me.

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Charlie taught me I deserved to be loved. Will I be brave enough to claim him as mine?



Temporarily separated while Charlie is on tour, my love for him grows. He is my future—or he will be, once we’ve made our relationship public.

Charlie has been patient—probably too patient—while I’ve been struggling to get over my fear that history will repeat itself. An unforgiving media destroyed my career, I don’t want the same thing to happen to the man I love.

Telling the world is one of many obstacles we have to navigate. The only thing I’m sure of is that we’ll find our way together.

Unashamedly Us is the fourth book in Offbeat Shifters, an m/m paranormal romance series with a continuing storyline. The series is best read in order, however Charlie and Austin’s story begins in book 3, Unapologetically Me. This book includes a monkey shifter who has to face his fears, an arctic fox shifter who will always stand up for himself, extended families, steadfast friends, lots of children, and a HEA ending for the main characters. There are pregnancy and birth scenes in this book.



“I’m feeling needy.” I walked up to him, pulling him close and kissing him while savouring his touch and taste.

“Me too.” Charlie smiled and then leant against my body. He stroked my back and breathed in deeply, his chest expanding against mine.

“What are you doing?”

“Memorising your scent.”

I kissed his hair and then inhaled so I could do the same. Charlie’s scent was very distinctive—toffee apples and crisp autumn mornings. My heart squeezed tight at the realisation that I wouldn’t get to hold, kiss, or be in the same room as Charlie for three months.

Staying behind and keeping our relationship secret, for now, was the right decision. Charlie didn’t need any stress on top of the rigours of touring. It didn’t matter that his schedule was more relaxed than most singers enjoyed; the demands of performing two-hour sets were exhausting. Worrying about the media gossiping about us was the last thing he needed. Or maybe it was the last thing I needed, and Charlie was an easy scapegoat for my fear.

But the media and Charlie’s fans would gossip the moment they found out we were a couple. I was nineteen years older than him, and we were both omegas.

Charlie slipped his hands underneath my shirt and started to walk me backwards, kissing me.

“This is nice,” I said during a brief break between kisses.

“I’m saying goodbye,” Charlie whispered as he tipped us both onto the sofa.

“Didn’t we do that this morning?”

“Uh-huh.” He pushed my shirt up and pressed kisses to my chest.

“And last night?”

“Yes, but I want to say it again.” He looked up at me. “I’m really gonna miss you.” He undid my belt. “I need to feel your skin against mine one last time before I go.”






Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters Book 1)

Book 1 could be read as standalone. 

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The first rule of being a bodyguard is never get involved with your client. It should have been easy to follow, but Jesse Steele is a beautiful, kind omega, who’s far more down to earth than a pop star has any right to be.

Someone discovering our tryst becomes the least of our worries when it becomes clear Jesse has a stalker.

Can I love Jesse and protect him, or will my emotions cloud my judgement and put him in danger?

Secretly Mine is an m/m paranormal romance with a protective tiger shifter, a sweet monkey shifter, lots of cuddles, secret kisses, and piggy back rides. Whilst it is set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.

Trigger warning for mentions of infertility.



Openly Yours (Offbeat Shifters #2)

Book 2 is a direct follow-on from book 1 and will not have the same impact without having read book 1. 

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Now the tour is over, Isaac has to adapt to depending financially on someone else for the first time.

When my world gets thrown into turmoil again, I need to learn that relying emotionally on others isn’t a bad thing.

We have to face our biggest challenge together—creating a different dream from the one we had envisioned.

Openly Yours is an m/m paranormal romance with a loving tiger shifter, a  sweet monkey shifter, enthusiastic family members, and lots of cuddles. Whilst it is set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.

Trigger warning for scenes revolving around infertility.



Unapologetically Me (Offbeat Shifters #3)

Book 3 could be read as a standalone,

but has spoilers for the other two so is definitely better read as part of the series.

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Austin Steele is my idol. He’s also the guy I can’t get enough of.

Everyone thinks they know who I am—one of pop’s biggest divos. They don’t know me at all. Austin Steele makes me want to see the real me, only there’s some problems:

We’re both omegas, he’s nineteen years my senior, he’s nursing old wounds, and he wants to keep what’s happening between us a secret.

I thought a one-night stand was all I wanted. Now it’s becoming so much more. But how can we look to the future when we can’t let go of our pasts?

Unapologetically Me is the third book in Offbeat Shifters, an m/m paranormal romance series with a continuing storyline. This book includes a misunderstood and unapologetic Arctic fox shifter, a caring capuchin monkey shifter, and a HFN ending. While it’s set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.


About the Author

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook Page   |  Facebook Group: Colette’s Cosy Corner

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Cover Reveal – Haven by Morgan Brice


Book Title: Haven

Author: Morgan Brice

Cover Artist: Alexandria Corza

Release Date: April 8, 2021

Genre/s: MM paranormal romance/mystery

Trope/s: Action, mystery, hurt/comfort, geeks in love, supernatural secrets, a brave historian and a lovelorn private detective, plus a guaranteed HEA. Old secrets, hidden psychics, secret shifters, ghosts, scandals—and true love.

Themes: Age gap, starting over, friends to lovers, 

Heat Rating: 4 flames       

Length: 60 000 words/200 pages

It is a standalone book, but there are soft ties to Morgan’s Fox Hollow series. Other than the shared elements of the magic emporium, it does not connect to any of the other books in the Magic Emporium series.

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Old secrets, hidden psychics, secret shifters, ghosts, scandals—and true love.



A series of long-ago disappearances leads cold case private detective Austin Williams to investigate a troubled sanitarium. Jamie Miller is new in town, temporarily running the local historical association, and he willingly signs on to help solve Austin’s mystery. Sparks fly between them as they dig into the hospital’s troubled past. But someone wants the past to stay buried—and is willing to bury Austin and Jamie to keep it that way. 

Haven is part of the Magic Emporium series. Each book stands alone, but each one features an appearance by Marden’s Magic Emporium, a shop that can appear anywhere, but only once and only when someone’s in dire need. This book contains explicit scenes, action, mystery, hurt/comfort, geeks in love, supernatural secrets, a brave historian and a lovelorn private detective, plus a guaranteed HEA. It is loosely connected to my Fox Hollow series. 


About the Author

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!


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New Release – Unapologetically Me (Offbeat Shifters #3) by Colette Davison @Colette_Davison #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Unapologetically Me (Offbeat Shifters #3)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently Published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date:  March 23, 2021

Genre: Supernatural M/M romance

Tropes: shifters, mpreg setting but there isn’t pregnancy or childbirth in the books,

age-gap, pop-star, hidden disability, hidden relationship

Themes: Standing up for yourself and others, not letting opportunities pass you by,

importance of family, second chances

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 68 000 words

Book 3 could be read as a standalone,

but has spoilers for the other two so is definitely better read as part of the series.

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Austin Steele is my idol. He’s also the guy I can’t get enough of.



Austin Steele is my idol. He’s also the guy I can’t get enough of.

Everyone thinks they know who I am—one of pop’s biggest divos. They don’t know me at all. Austin Steele makes me want to see the real me, only there’s some problems:

We’re both omegas, he’s nineteen years my senior, he’s nursing old wounds, and he wants to keep what’s happening between us a secret.

I thought a one-night stand was all I wanted. Now it’s becoming so much more. But how can we look to the future when we can’t let go of our pasts?

Unapologetically Me is the third book in Offbeat Shifters, an m/m paranormal romance series with a continuing storyline. This book includes a misunderstood and unapologetic Arctic fox shifter, a caring capuchin monkey shifter, and a HFN ending. While it’s set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.



“I can’t remember the last time I just hung out with someone before this week.” I laid my head on his shoulder. “That’s not true. It was right before my first album went viral.”

“That’s a long time.” Austin didn’t sound even remotely surprised.

“I guess you know how that feels, huh?”


“The cupcakes will be cool enough to decorate.” I cleared my throat and stood.

We’d been having fun, and I didn’t want to drag the day down with drama about how lonely I was. Had been. Could I consign my loneliness to past tense now that I was spending time with Austin?

“I’ll help you make some icing if you want.”

“That might help,” Austin said around a chuckle.

I showed him the recipe I liked to use, loaded up a piping bag for him, and hand over hand showed him how to use it.

“You’ve gotta be gentle,” I said as I left him to it.

I carefully cut a hole out of the centre of each of my cupcakes, into which I pushed a fresh strawberry. Then I popped the top back on and began to ice them. I’d coloured my icing a soft shade of pink, much paler than the bright red of the strawberries. Using a controlled motion, I spiralled the icing onto the top of each cupcake.

“Bollocks!” Austin said.

I looked around to see that his hands were covered in icing, and the nozzle had shot off the piping bag onto one of his cupcakes. Icing dripped everywhere.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You squeezed too hard, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t coming out,” he grumbled.

He put the piping bag into a bowl, washed his hands, and grabbed a spoon. I watched for a moment as he dolloped icing onto the top of each cupcake. They looked anything but pretty. Still chuckling to myself, I finished mine off by sprinkling the tiny pieces of chopped strawberry over the icing.

“It’s obvious who’s won,” Austin said.

“No, it’s not. Don’t we have to do a taste test or something?”

“I guess so.”

“Get a couple of plates out.”

He complied. I cut one of his cupcakes in half and put a piece on each plate, then did the same with one of my own.


“We could use our fingers?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how they do it on cooking shows.”

Austin smiled and grabbed a couple of forks. “We should taste the same one.” He handed me a fork. “Mine first.”


“So we’re saving the best until last? We’ll need to eat yours to get rid of the taste of mine.”

“They can’t be that bad.”

He raised his eyebrows. We both took a bite.

“Oh.” The cupcake was like a dry rock in my mouth.

“See what I mean?” Austin said around his own mouthful.

I grabbed some water to wash it down. “They’re not bad for a beginner. A little dry.”

“And heavy.”

“You might want to try adding a bit of milk when you’re mixing the ingredients. It helps to make the mixture light and fluffy.”

“What would help the taste?”

“Some vanilla-bean paste. It’s much better than vanilla extract,” I added, glancing at the small brown bottle of extract that Austin had bought but obviously not used in his own cakes.

Austin nodded thoughtfully before trying my cake. He closed his eyes and murmured his approval. “Now this is like an orgasm in my mouth.”

I snorted a laugh. “A what?”

“An orgasm in my mouth.” He devoured the rest of his half of the cupcake and then put his plate down. “You win.” He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“What do I win?”

“A kiss.” His lips and tongue tasted of strawberries and icing.

“Good prize.”


Check out the first two books in the Offbeat Shifters Series

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Pre-Order Book 4 here


About the Author 

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook Page   |  Facebook Group: Colette’s Cosy Corner

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New Release – Openly Yours (Offbeat Shifters #2) by Colette Davison @Colette_Davison #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Openly Yours (Offbeat Shifters #2)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently Published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date:  March 2, 2021

Genre: Supernatural M/M romance

Trope/s: shifters, mpreg setting but there isn’t pregnancy or childbirth in the books, age-gap, pop-stars

Themes: The price of fame, treatment of omegas in the pop industry 

 Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 68 000 words

Book 2 is a direct follow-on from book 1 and will not have the same impact without having read book 1. 

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Falling in love was the easy part. When we have to face more tragedy, will it bring us closer or drive us apart?



Now the tour is over, Isaac has to adapt to depending financially on someone else for the first time.

When my world gets thrown into turmoil again, I need to learn that relying emotionally on others isn’t a bad thing.

We have to face our biggest challenge together—creating a different dream from the one we had envisioned.

Openly Yours is an m/m paranormal romance with a loving tiger shifter, a  sweet monkey shifter, enthusiastic family members, and lots of cuddles. Whilst it is set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.

Trigger warning for scenes revolving around infertility.



“You had news. Is it about the Arches?”

I grinned, unable to keep it from him.

“They accepted our offer?”


Jesse bounced up and down in my arms, squealing excitedly. “That’s fantastic!”

“We’ve got to get all the building and land checks done and a survey, so it’s not a done deal yet. But all being well, our youth centre is one step closer to opening.”

Jesse grasped my face and kissed me hard. “It’s exciting, isn’t it?”


His eyes widened. “You should invite your dads to come and stay so we can show them the Arches.”

“I’d been thinking about that.” I carried him over to the sofa and sat down with him on my lap. “Maybe it’s about time we moved out of this flat.”

Jesse tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

“Well, right now, if we want to invite my family down, they have to stay in a hotel.” I paused, measuring my next words carefully. “And at some point, we’re going to have a family, Jesse. There’s not going to be room for children in a one-bedroom flat.” I stroked my thumbs over his lower back. “You wanted a house filled with music and the patter of tiny feet, remember?”

Jesse nodded, but he didn’t speak. His eyes were brimming with tears, and his chin wobbled.

“And I wanted a big bath.”

That made him laugh. “We need a huge bath.”

I stared into his dark eyes. “I want to find our forever home, Jesse. And I want to get married.”

Jesse frowned. “We can’t, not until—”

I silenced him with a kiss. “We know roughly when your heats will be. We can plan around it. We’re already mated. You know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now I want to show everyone else that—your family and mine.”

“And the world?” Jesse asked. “Because we’re not gonna get a cosy little wedding.”

I smiled. “The whole world. I’m yours, Jesse, now, always, and openly.”

Jesse gasped. “I’ve got it!”

“Got what?”

“The title of the song I’m going to write for you.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Will you share it with me?”

He smiled mischievously. “Nope. I think I’m gonna keep it a secret.”

I tickled him until I reduced him to a giggling, writhing wreck on my lap. Then I flipped him onto the sofa and lay over him, tickling him more until he was gasping for air.

“Now are you going to tell me?”

He put his hands around my neck as his breathing slowly returned to normal. “‘Openly Yours’.”

I nuzzled his nose with my own. “That’s beautiful.”

“So are you.”

We looked at each other, my heart filling as I saw how much love radiated from his eyes and smile. I kissed him, teasing his mouth with my tongue. “Let’s set a wedding date and start looking at houses.”

Jesse nodded. “Okay.”



Check out Secretly Mine, Book 1 in the Offbeat Shifters Series


Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Books 3 and 4 Coming Soon


About the Author 

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook Page   |  Facebook Group: Colette’s Cosy Corner

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New Release – Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters Book 1) by Colette Davison #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Secretly Mine (Offbeat Shifters Book 1)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently Published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date: February 9, 2021

 Genre/s: Supernatural romance

Trope/s: shifters, mpreg setting but there isn’t pregnancy or childbirth in the books, age-gap, pop-stars, forbidden romance (bodyguard and client), hidden relationship

Themes: The price of fame, treatment of omegas in the pop industry 

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  92 000 words

Book 1 could be read as standalone. 

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Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

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I’m being paid to spend a month on tour with Jesse Steele, to keep him safe and protect his image. Simple.



The first rule of being a bodyguard is never get involved with your client. It should have been easy to follow, but Jesse Steele is a beautiful, kind omega, who’s far more down to earth than a pop star has any right to be.

Someone discovering our tryst becomes the least of our worries when it becomes clear Jesse has a stalker.

Can I love Jesse and protect him, or will my emotions cloud my judgement and put him in danger?

Secretly Mine is an m/m paranormal romance with a protective tiger shifter, a sweet monkey shifter, lots of cuddles, secret kisses, and piggy back rides. Whilst it is set in an alternate universe where omegas give birth, there are no pregnancy or birth scenes in this book.

Trigger warning for mentions of infertility.



There was always a moment when I willed my body to shift that I regretted it. It was excruciating. For the few seconds it took for the transformation to take place, I saw nothing but white-hot fire. Felt nothing but searing heat as every molecule in my body rearranged itself. I heard nothing but my own pitiful sobs. Smelt nothing.

Then it was over, and I was considerably smaller and buried in a pile of my own clothes. The advantage of shifting to a smaller form was that I didn’t need to undress first. Unlike Isaac. He was still in his human form, staring down at me. I danced from foot to foot, impatiently chittering at him. I was desperate to climb up into the trees and swing from branch to branch.

“Turn around,” he said.

Rather than turning around, I put my tiny hands over my large eyes. I was good and didn’t peek as Isaac undressed, even though it was tempting. While he shifted, he didn’t sob, as I had done, but he did let out a wretched moan which morphed into a growl. Only then did I lower my hands. His tiger form was huge. He padded over and stared down at me. His incisors were easily as big as my head, and I realised that if he gave in completely to his animal side, he’d eat me up for breakfast. He turned his head to the side in a swift gesture, which I took as permission to go.

I scrambled up into the trees, my hands and feet deftly gripping the trunk. I paused and studied Isaac’s tiger form. Now that his teeth and claws were well away from me, it was easier to appreciate how stunning he was. He was long and sleek, with thick black stripes breaking up his rusty orange fur. He looked up at me, his pale green eyes searching mine. He had to be wondering why I’d stopped to stare at him. Did he know how beautiful he was?

I let out an excited screech and tore off through the foliage. My long tail provided balance as I scampered along branches and then leapt from one tree to the next. Isaac ran along beneath me—beautiful, powerful, and graceful. He easily kept pace with my aerial antics.

My tiny heart beat wildly, and I felt completely and utterly free. It was so much better than being stuck on the bus. But it had to come to an end.

We reached the edge of the wood. I clung on to a fine branch at the top of the final tree, staring at the farmhouse opposite. Far beneath me, Isaac let out a short, sharp chuff, drawing my attention to him. He gestured with his head again, telling me it was time to go back. I nodded to show that I’d understood and then leapt through the treetops, back the way we’d come, until I spied our clothes exactly where we’d left them.

I scurried down to mine. I shifted back and got dressed just before Isaac caught up with me. Given how easily he’d kept up before, I decided he’d let me get ahead this time so I could get into my clothes without having him as an audience. He sat on his haunches and gave me a look that might have meant he wanted to eat me for dinner. I gulped and backed away a little. I was nowhere near as fearless in my human form as when I was a monkey.


About the Author  

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook Page   |  Facebook Group: Colette’s Cosy Corner

BookBub   |   Twitter    |   Goodreads  |  Instagram: @colettedavison

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New Release – Matched To His Bear by Lorelei M. Hart & Colbie Dunbar #KindleUnlimited


Book Title:  Matched to His Bear

Author: Lorelei M. Hart & Colbie Dunbar

Publisher: Surrendered Press

Cover Artist: Megan J. Parker-Squiers

Release Date: September 10, 2020

Genre/s:  Contemporary M/M Romance, MM mpreg romance, paranormal romance

Trope/s:  Shifters. Fated love. Shifter hero/Human hero. Bond or die

ThemesBlind dates. Dating. Jealous pack member. Losing control of his bear

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: approx. 35,000 words

Even though it’s part of a dating app series, each book can be read as a standalone.

This is the second book in the series. Matched To His Wolf was the first.


Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


Fate doesn’t use dating apps to pair true mates…except when it does.



Fate doesn’t use dating apps to pair true mates…except when it does.

Alpha Brad Galway is a hot successful lawyer and Beta of his Den with omegas throwing themselves at his feet. From the outside, it appears as though he has everything he could possibly desire. Inwardly, he has a bear clawing to get out—no longer willing to stand by and let his mate go unclaimed. But there’s a problem with his bear’s plan. Brad doesn’t know who or where he is, just that they crossed paths in an airport over a year ago. If he doesn’t figure out how to control his bear soon, he risks losing everything—including his life.

Human omega Gabe Rafferty is excited to start his new job as a professor of English Lit. Ever since a layover in an airport last year, he’s felt like his luck has changed. He can’t explain how or why…but something happened that day, and everything from that point was onward and upward. He just wishes he had someone to share it with.

When Gabe is talked into using a dating app, he isn’t expecting much until he stumbles onto profiles that are fixated on the TV series, Shifter World. And he definitely isn’t anticipating the smoldering alpha who recaptures that feeling he experienced at the airport. Sparks fly, feelings grow, and their worlds are turned upside down in the very best of ways, but is it too late for Brad’s bear?

Matched To His Bear is the second book in the sweet with knotty heat Dates of Our Lives, an M/M mpreg shifter dating app romance brought to you by the popular co-writing duo of Lorelei M Hart and Colbie Dunbar. It features a human who stumbles into a world he never knew existed thanks to a silly little soap opera, an alpha who is losing his humanity, a stalker bear who turns out to be more trouble than anyone could’ve suspected, and an adorable baby. If you like your shifters hawt, your omegas strong, your mpreg with heart, and your HEAs complete with true mates and a bundle of joy, one-click today



The kitchen island was covered in bowls, pans, and other stuff. “Has the food delivery guy been and gone?”

“Nope. We’re cooking breakfast.” He glanced at his watch. “More like brunch.”

“You cook?” I asked, holding up a bunch of green things and studying it.

“You don’t?”

“No,” I replied.

“I do,” he informed me.

“And about the whole ‘we’ cooking thing…” My voice trailed away as Brad handed me a wooden board, a knife, and an onion. “What do I do with this?”

He grinned and kissed the end of my nose. “Can you chop it, please, Gabe?”

“Okay.” I was game for anything. I placed the onion on the board, and with both hands on the knife, brought it down over my head, and missed. Though I got the board, the knife sticking out of it reminded me of the aftermath of a pirate battle in a swashbuckling book.


“Sorry, I’ll try again.”

Brad stood behind me and murmured, “Here lies our dearly departed knife…”

“Did I kill it?”

“Almost. Let’s try again.” He placed his hands on mine, but I wriggled my ass against his crotch. A sharp intake of breath from him had me giggling. He pressed himself against my body and placed his lips on my ear. Food first, and then I’m taking you back to bed.”


“First we have to peel the onion, and then we chop it.” But by the time he cut into it, I was blinking tears from my eyes. “Owww! It hates me.” Brad took over and I sat on a stool. “You watching, Gabe?”

“Mmmm. Yes. Taking it all in,” I said as I leaned sideways and peered at his ass. That wasn’t a fib. I was paying attention, just not to what he was doing.

“Liar.” He held up an oddly shaped red lump. “Know what this is?”

“Something you’re going to cook?” I was quite proud of my answer.

“A pepper. A red pepper.”

“I thought pepper was something that came out of a grinder.”

Brad slapped a hand on his brow. “How is it you’ve managed to survive in the world up until now? And have no idea what you’re putting in your mouth.” And as he said it, his mouth formed the perfect O.

He understood the hole he’d fallen into, and I was going to tease him about it. I tilted my head to the side. “I always know what I’m eating, but I’m not talking about food.” I grabbed a dish cloth and swatted his ass.

He leveled a glowering look in my direction. “Keep distracting me and we’ll never get brunch.”

“Promise?” But my belly grumbled and I bowed, awarding the first round to him.

He made quick work of cutting the pepper, threw oil in a pan, and asked me to stir the red pepper and onions while he assembled herbs and spices, which were all shades of red or brown. I peered at the mixture as I stirred, not sure what it was supposed to be.

“You can leave it for now. We’ll keep an eye on it,” he told me as he turned down the heat and opened a tin of tomatoes.

“Time for extracurricular activities, I asked?”

I swooped under his arms and bobbed up, kissing him on the mouth. “You are a delightful distraction,” he croaked as my tongue flicked over his teeth. “But let’s finish cooking and then you’ll be my prisoner, unable to leave the bed for the rest of the day.”

I clapped my hands. “Are you going to tie me up?

“I wasn’t planning on it, but if you behave…”



About the Authors 

Lorelei M. Hart

Lorelei M. Hart is the cowriting team of USA Today Bestselling Authors Kate Richards and Ever Coming now joined by their friend, Ophelia Heart. Friends for years, the three decided to come together and write one of their favorite guilty pleasures: Mpreg. There is something that just does it for them about smexy men who love each other enough to start a family together in a world where they can do it the old-fashioned way 😉


Social Media Links

Facebook  |  Newsletter Sign-up


Colbie Dunbar

My characters are sexy, hot, adorable—and often filthy—alphas and omegas. Feudal lords with dark secrets, lonely omegas running away from their past, and alphas who refuse to commit.

Lurking in the background are kings, mafia dons, undercover agents and highwaymen with a naughty gleam in their eye.

As for me? I dictate my steamy stories with a glass of champagne in one hand. Because why not?


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  

Newsletter Sign-up  |  Pinterest




Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


Follow the tour and check out the other blog posts here

New Release – Talos: Bloodlines of Fate, Book One by A. G. Carothers #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Talos: Bloodlines of Fate, Book One

Author and Publisher: A. G. Carothers

Cover Artist: Samantha Santana, Amai Designs with illustration by Maberan

Release Date: September 8, 2020

Genre/s: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal, MPreg

Trope/s: Enemies to Lovers, Fated Mates, First Time, Hurt/Comfort

Themes: Assassination Attempt, Supernatural Society,

BDSM, Size Difference, [Vampires, Unicorns, and Shifters, Oh My!]

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  46 000 words

It is not a standalone story.



Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 




The Age of Man has passed, and a new age is upon the Earth. An age of magic and technology ruled by the supernatural beings that once hid amongst humanity has begun.

Talos – Vampyr King, Supernatural Council Member, and Despiser of Humans. Fate has a surprise up their sleeve for him.

Bayne – Raised by the human resistance, Would-be Assassin, and Despiser of Supernatural Beings. He’s ready to sacrifice himself to kill his enemy.

Bayne is thrust into a world he thinks he knows but quickly discovers his whole life has been built on lies. Talos, perfectly happy ruling his corner of the world, is faced with an unexpected and unwelcome change that comes with the mate chosen by Fate. Together they must discover how to live and, in the end, love one another. But will Fate have more in store for them than just learning to love the species they hate?

Bloodlines of Fate is a new urban fantasy series set in a world destroyed by humans and resurrected by supernatural beings. Fate has many plans for the vampires, fae, unicorns, therianthropes, and humans of this new world. While their mates may be fated, learning to love isn’t that easy.

This book contains depictions of gladiatorial combat, snarky fem twinks who will cut you, kings in stilettos, and awkward heats with a pinch of daddy kink.



Talos strode calmly into his office. His skin tingled with pins and needles all over. Odin and Majid were on his heels, and Majid closed the door behind him. Talos leaned on his teak desk as his discovery crashed into him. Claws extended from his fingertips and dug into the dense wood, marring its polished surface.

“Why of all days would this happen today?” Talos asked Fate.

“Brother, what is it?” Odin closed in and put a reassuring hand on Talos’ back, but it made his skin crawl. He shrugged Odin off and turned back around.

“It’s him.” Talos still couldn’t believe it. He wanted to race to his bedroom to confirm it, but he had to wait.

Majid cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean, it’s him?”

Talos looked up at Odin and realization dawned on Odin’s face. “Oh, him him?” Talos could only nod. His throat constricted.

“I knew I had to come to you, Brother. And it seems this is why. I was there when our father found his beloved, your pa.”

Talos sat on the edge of the desk, crossed his arms, and massaged his temples with one hand. Majid stepped closer, started to put his hand on Talos, then took his hand back with an apologetic smile.

“Congratulations on finding your mate, my old friend.”

Talos raised his head with a weary smile. “Thank you, and that was a magnificent display in there. I’ll never tire of seeing you get horny.” Talos chuckled softly. “Although my new mate called you a horse. Apparently, he’s never heard of a black unicorn.”

Majid snorted. “He’s lucky I can’t read his thoughts like you can,” he scowled.

Odin’s deep booming laugh caused Majid to snort again. Odin cleared his throat nervously, trying to cut off his laughter.

“Your idea to let one of the other resistance members through with him was good. It gave me an idea as to what kind of man my mate is. He was scared but he held his ground. His stubbornness to see his mission through shored him up. It’s going to be interesting to see how he reacts to spending an eternity with us leeches.”

Majid smirked. “You know how much I like a good impaling.”

“I got something you can impale.” Odin shook his butt at Majid and Talos snorted out a laugh.

Majid ignored Odin’s interruption. “Your mate jumped a little, but you’re right. He held steady even when I slowly killed that weakling.” He scoffed in disgust. “Like anyone that weak would have made it through the selection process. It’s a wonder they survived the games. They were lucky to have been killed by me.”

“It is quite an honor. I think it’s been a full month since you’ve impaled someone in the throne room.” Talos rubbed his forehead. His skin continued to tingle. “I won’t be able to bond with him until his blood is clean.”

“Gideon is having the hemodialysis machine brought to your chambers along with a bed he can be properly restrained on. The doctors estimate it’ll only take two rounds for his blood to be cleaner than when he was born,” Majid reassured Talos.

“He will fight. I have no doubt. And we will most likely have to sedate him,” Talos added.

“The sooner you get it done, the better, brother. Your body will not allow you to wait too long.”

“It’s almost dawn now.” Talos looked at the clock on his wall. “Go to bed. Majid will stay up with me to watch over my mate.”



About the Author 

A.G. Carothers is actually a dragon very cleverly disguised as a human. They are a non-binary author of LGBTQIA Romance and Urban Fantasy, who enjoys writing original and entertaining stories. They are very excited to share the worlds they’ve created with you.

A.G. currently lives in Tennessee with their platonic life partner, who is not a dragon. They yearn to live back in Europe and will some day. In their spare time they are addicted to losing themselves in the lovely worlds created by other authors

A.G. is committed to writing the stories they see in their head without restrictions. Love is blind and doesn’t see gender, race, or sexuality.


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New Release – Run Free: an MMM Mpreg Romance by Colette Davison #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title:  Run Free: an MMM Mpreg Romance

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently Published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date: August 4, 2011

Genre/s: Paranormal romance

Trope/s: Shifter, mpreg, MMM, age gap

Themes: Finding home, working through differences, sticking together

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 69 401 words

It is a standalone story.



Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link  |   Amazon US  |   Amazon UK


They believe they only need each other, until they collide with their soul mate.



Jax is an omega, Hugo is human, and their love is forbidden. They’ve spent the last seven years on the streets, relying on no one but each other.

When they collide with Dominic, they realise something has always been missing. Jax is keen to get to know the alpha, but Hugo resists the mate-call, worrying that, as a human, there will be no room for him.

The only way they can be free to love each other is to escape the UK, but will Dominic leave his life behind to find home with two younger men?

Run Free is an alternate universe MMM shifter novel, with fated mates, mpreg, an age-gap relationship, and a happy ending.




As they rounded a corner, Jax collided with a muscular guy in a smart suit. The hairs on the back of Hugo’s arms stood up as a pulse of electricity swept through him. He grabbed Jax’s arm, steadying him so he didn’t fall.

“We’ve got to go,” he hissed, tugging his lover’s arm.

Jax didn’t move. He was staring at the man in the suit, breathing harshly. The shopkeeper’s yells were getting closer, yet Hugo couldn’t resist glancing at the man they’d bumped into. He found himself noticing every tiny detail in a matter of seconds. The guy was gorgeous, with dark hair that had been cut into a short, neat style and grey eyes with a dark brown ring around the pupil. His cheekbones were sharp and pronounced, and he had a couple days’ worth of stubble. He smelt of rainy days and damp moss. Hugo’s stare tracked to the man’s neck, where he saw the rice grain-sized bump of a chip beneath his skin. He was a shifter. Judging by the man’s size and the way Jax was quivering, he had to be an alpha. Hugo felt like he was being pulled towards the man, which was a dangerous sensation, considering how close the shopkeeper’s shouts sounded.

“We’ve got to go,” Hugo insisted, tugging Jax harder. They couldn’t get caught.

“Go,” the alpha said.

His voice was deep and velvety, the kind of voice you could listen to all day and not get bored of. It was a voice Hugo could happily get wrapped up in. Damn, why was he thinking that way, and why was his skin tingling in the alpha’s presence?

He shook himself.

“Run,” the man told them in a commanding growl, stepping aside so he was no longer blocking the path.

Jax pushed him forward, and suddenly, they were running again. Hugo felt a sickening wrench in his stomach, which made him falter, but he quickly found his feet again. Nothing mattered but getting as far away from the shopkeeper as possible.


About the Author 

 Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.


Social Media Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook Page   |  Facebook Group: Colette’s Cosy Corner

BookBub   |   Twitter    |   Goodreads  |  Instagram: @colettedavison

  Mailing List  |   Newsletter Sign-Up




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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


Follow the tour and check out the other blog posts and reviews here

Cover Reveal – Talos: Bloodlines of Fate, Book One by A. G. Carothers


Book Title: Talos: Bloodlines of Fate, Book One

Author and Publisher: A. G. Carothers

Cover Artist: Samantha Santana, Amai Designs with illustration by Maberan

Release Date: September 7, 2020

Genre/s: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal, MPreg

Trope/s: Enemies to Lovers, Fated Mates, First Time, Hurt/Comfort

Themes: Assassination Attempt, Supernatural Society, BDSM,

Size Difference, [Vampires,  Unicorns, and Shifters Oh My!]

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  46 000 words

It is not a standalone story.


Pre-Order here

Universal Link

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK




The Age of Man has passed, and a new age is upon the Earth. An age of magic and technology ruled by the supernatural beings that once hid amongst humanity has begun.

Talos – Vampyr King, Supernatural Council Member, and Despiser of Humans. Fate has a surprise up their sleeve for him.

Bayne – Raised by the human resistance, Would-be Assassin, and Despiser of Supernatural Beings. He’s ready to sacrifice himself to kill his enemy.

Bayne is thrust into a world he thinks he knows but quickly discovers his whole life has been built on lies. Talos, perfectly happy ruling his corner of the world, is faced with an unexpected and unwelcome change that comes with the mate chosen by Fate. Together they must discover how to live and, in the end, love one another. But will Fate have more in store for them than just learning to love the species they hate?

Bloodlines of Fate is a new urban fantasy series set in a world destroyed by humans and resurrected by supernatural beings. Fate has many plans for the vampires, fae, unicorns, therianthropes, and humans of this new world. While their mates may be fated, learning to love isn’t that easy.

This book contains depictions of gladiatorial combat, snarky fem twinks who will cut you, kings in stilettos, and awkward heats with a pinch of daddy kink.



Talos tapped the tip of his black oxford against the back of the prostrate human’s head while the point of the stiletto heel dug into the base of his skull. It would take only the slightest pressure to impale the pathetic, whining human. Talos scanned the human’s mind and determined that he had told all that he knew.

With a flick of his wrist, a guard appeared. Talos removed his foot and stepped over the human. The guard grabbed the human by the back of the shirt and yanked him to his feet then pushed him forward out of the office, leaving Talos with the news the human had brought.

The heels of his shoes clicked on the marble floor as he walked out onto the balcony overlooking his city. Holographic ads played across the night sky; the whirl of electric engines zoomed below as they crisscrossed between the towering buildings. Down and to the right, his colosseum in all its ancient and modern glory shown bright even amongst the numerous lights and flashes coming from the main strip that bisected the downtown area in front of his building.

He narrowed his eyes at the building as if he could see through its many layers down into the cells where this would-be assassin plotted his demise.

“Your fathers would be proud.”

The words broke Talos’ thoughts but didn’t startle him. Majid was his shadow and had been for over two thousand years. The Persian towered over him even in his heels. The gentle touch on his shoulder belied the strength Majid held in his lithe frame. Talos looked into the violet eyes of his best friend who now focused on the city before them as he had.

“One hundred and fifty years, Majid.” He gazed back at the city. “Some days I’m angry with my father for not leaving Japan when I told him to. But Papa was as determined as Father was to stay and hold our territory. We all underestimated the humans’ thirst for destruction.” His tone turned hard as the pain of losing almost his whole family washed over him. It was a familiar pain now, but one that hadn’t lessened in the last century and a half.

“We should have moved then but the council hadn’t believed. They were still too trapped in their conviction to stay hidden as they had for millennia. But look at the greatness we have created in less than fifty years. The world could have looked like this without the destruction the human vermin wrought against it.” Talos closed his eyes as the memories angered him.

He slammed the side of his fist on top of the concrete wall of the balcony. Cracks splintered down and across while bits dug into the meat of his palm. Talos shook his hand out and wiped the concrete crumbles off. He straightened his navy suit jacket and then the cuffs of the light blue shirt beneath. Majid squeezed his shoulder gently. “Primus was a legendary vampyr, and you are living up to his legacy. Your accomplishments are not anything to laugh about. He would be immensely proud at the hand you’ve had in shaping this world and leading the way to bring us out of the darkness and into the light.”

Talos took the comfort Majid offered as he prepared mentally for what was coming tonight.

“Sire.” Gideon’s rich Spanish baritone broke their reverie, and Talos turned toward the doorway. “I have the information you requested on the resistance operative.”

Talos nodded as he walked back inside. “Anything interesting?”

“No, the usual.” Gideon fell in step beside Talos as he continued through his mansion of a penthouse and to the elevator at the entrance.

“We’ll leave him where he’s at. He’s already set to be part of tonight’s entertainment. Let’s see how good of a show he will give us.” Talos smirked.


About the Author 

A.G. Carothers is actually a dragon very cleverly disguised as a human. They are a non-binary author of LGBTQIA Romance and Urban Fantasy, who enjoys writing original and entertaining stories. They are very excited to share the worlds they’ve created with you.

A.G. currently lives in Tennessee with their platonic life partner, who is not a dragon. They yearn to live back in Europe and will some day. In their spare time they are addicted to losing themselves in the lovely worlds created by other authors

A.G. is committed to writing the stories they see in their head without restrictions. Love is blind and doesn’t see gender, race, or sexuality.


Social Media Links




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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


Blog Tour – Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1 by Morgan Brice #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1

Author:  Morgan Brice

Cover Artist: Adrijus Guscia and Melissa Gilbert

Release Date: July 20, 2020

Genre/s: Urban fantasy MM paranormal romance

Trope/s: sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love,

sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates

Themes: learning to trust again, taking a chance on love, leaving the past behind,

moving past grief and loss, starting over, embracing your whole self

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 60 000 words/205 pages

It is the first book in the series



Buy Links

Available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and paperback

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


A grieving wolf. A hunted fox.

Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever. 




A grieving wolf. A hunted fox. Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever.

Fox shifter Liam Reynard is running from a killer. He uproots his life to find sanctuary in Fox Hollow, deep in the Adirondack Forest in New York.

When his car breaks down, sexy wolf shifter Russ Lowe comes to the rescue, and one touch makes it clear they’re fated mates. Neither man was looking for love, and both are still mending from past heartbreak. When mysterious fires and disappearances threaten Fox Hollow, Liam fears the killer is hot on his trail. Can he protect the town and his fated mate from the evil hunting him, or will an ex-lover’s betrayal cost Liam everything he loves?

Huntsman is full of sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love, sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates. Intended for readers 18 years of age or older.



Chapter One

Flashing lights broke Liam out of his gloomy thoughts. The tow truck headed toward him, then did a U-turn and pulled in front of Liam’s car, backing up until it was close enough to hook up the Honda.

The truck driver got out and walked toward Liam, who reluctantly got out of the car. Even though he had called for assistance and it was clear the stranger was a legitimate responder, Liam couldn’t help feeling jittery, with his hands sweating, and heart thumping.

Those reactions doubled when he got a good look at the driver.

Oh, just shoot me now. Fuck my life. Why did he have to be so fine?

In the glare of the truck’s spotlights, Liam made out all the important details. The man had broad shoulders, strong arms, powerful legs, and a solid chest, standing a good five inches or more over Liam’s five-foot-seven frame. Liam had thought he might be saved if the driver was ugly as sin, but he was out of luck. His face was as utterly lickable as the rest of him.

“You called for a tow? Mr. Reynard?”

Liam nodded.

“I’m Russell Lowe—everyone calls me Russ. I own Lowe’s Auto Shop in Fox Hollow, and tonight I’m your personal tow truck driver,” he said with a broad smile and dimples. The man’s sharp cheekbones, full lips, and strong chin were highlighted by dark brown scruff. Liam’s gaze traveled upward, surprised at gray hair flecked with brown framing a face that couldn’t be older than thirty-five. Green eyes made Liam wonder what kind of shifter Russ might be.

He swallowed hard and might have blushed when he realized Russ seemed to be checking him out too. No matter how attractive his roadside savior might be, Liam’d had enough man trouble to last an eternity, and he sure didn’t need more in a new town.

“Yes, I’m Liam Reynard. Just Liam,” he said, wishing he could conjure up the natural charm that had always served him well in community theater performances. His fox could be quite dramatic. But now, on the run, scared for his life, and in the dark with a stranger in the middle of nowhere, he couldn’t muster his usual flair.

“The engine started making strange noises, and I pulled off. I didn’t want to break anything.” Liam cringed because heknew next to nothing about cars. Admitting that takes points off my “man score,” doesn’t it? Then again, so does being a sports-hating, gay fox shifter twink.

Well, at thirty, I’d thought my twink days were behind me. But when he compared his own shorter, lithe, dancer build to the solid man-mountain in front of him? Yeah, twink still fits.

“I’m glad you stopped the car without waiting for the car to stop you.” Russ finally shifted his attention away from Liam and focused on the Civic. “Let’s get the tow set up, and then you can ride in the cab with me to Fox Hollow.”



About the Author 

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!



Author Links

Facebook Group  |   Pinterest (for Morgan and Gail)  |  Twitter: @MorganBriceBook    

Sign up for my newsletter and never miss a new release

Read a copy of my Badlands short story Restless Nights here for free

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Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to win

3 ebooks of Witchbane, Badlands and Treasure Trail

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Hosted by Gay Book Promotions


Follow the tour and check out the other blog posts, interview, guest posts and reviews here


New Release – Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1 by Morgan Brice #KindleUnlimited #giveaway


Book Title: Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1

Author:  Morgan Brice

Cover Artist: Adrijus Guscia and Melissa Gilbert

Release Date: July 20, 2020

Genre/s: Urban fantasy MM paranormal romance

Trope/s: sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love,

sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates

Themes: learning to trust again, taking a chance on love, leaving the past behind,

moving past grief and loss, starting over, embracing your whole self

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 60 000 words/205 pages

It is the first book in the series



Buy Links

Available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and paperback

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


A grieving wolf. A hunted fox. Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever. 



A grieving wolf. A hunted fox. Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever. 

Fox shifter Liam Reynard is running from a killer. He uproots his life to find sanctuary in Fox Hollow, deep in the Adirondack Forest in New York.

When his car breaks down, sexy wolf shifter Russ Lowe comes to the rescue, and one touch makes it clear they’re fated mates. Neither man was looking for love, and both are still mending from past heartbreak. When mysterious fires and disappearances threaten Fox Hollow, Liam fears the killer is hot on his trail. Can he protect the town and his fated mate from the evil hunting him, or will an ex-lover’s betrayal cost Liam everything he loves?

Huntsman is full of sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love, sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates. Intended for readers 18 years of age or older.



From Chapter One 

Liam pulled himself out of his thoughts and forced himself to pay attention to the road. There were no streetlights out here. Once the sun set, the darkness out here was really dark.

Liam knew if he could shift into his fox-self, he’d be able to see just fine. But so far, he hadn’t figured out how to drive a car as a fox, and while Dr. Jeffries told him that Fox Hollow was both shifter-aware and shifter-welcoming, Liam didn’t want to bet on the tolerance of the county mounties or the state cops.

Just keep driving. Once I’m in Fox Hollow, I’ll be safer. Not too much farther now.

Liam had stopped at an ATM for cash and to fill the gas tank before he left Ithaca. He’d loaded up on road food and plenty of coffee so he could drive straight through. That would still get him into Fox Hollow late, but Dr. Jeffries had assured him that no matter what time the call came, he would be over to give Liam the keys and help him get settled.

He passed a sign by the side of the road that read: Fox Hollow, 10 miles just when the engine started to rattle and clank. A mile or so later, the noise grew alarmingly worse. Cursing under his breath, Liam pulled off to the side. The state highway didn’t have a generous berm, but there hadn’t been many cars for the past half hour. He was unlikely to be sideswiped but equally unlikely to have a passer-by offer to help.

Then again, since he hadn’t gotten a good look at the Huntsman’s face, Liam wouldn’t have dared accept help from a random driver.

With a sigh, he grabbed his phone and dug in his wallet for his roadside assistance card, hoping that he wasn’t too far from civilization to get a tow that didn’t cost a fortune.

We’ll have someone out as quickly as possible,” the customer service operator assured him, remaining vexingly light on the details. “Stay where you are, remain in your vehicle to be safe, and we’ll send a tow truck.”

“Can they tow me to Fox Hollow? That’s where I’m headed. I don’t know if they have a place that can fix cars.”

“You’re in luck,” she replied. “They do. I’ll take care of that for you. Just sit tight.”

Liam tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel, feeling twitchy about waiting for a stranger, alone in the dark. While he had heard plenty of people talk about the gorgeous, rugged scenery of the Adirondacks, Liam had apparently skipped over the parts about how dark, empty, and vast the area could seem.

He debated, then discarded, the notion of shifting to his fox to get a sense for his surroundings. He didn’t know how quickly the tow truck might arrive, and while the area might tolerate shifters, confronting a hapless driver with a too-knowledgeable fox or a naked man who had just shifted back didn’t seem like it was the right way to make new friends.


About the Author 

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!


Author Links

Facebook Group  |   Pinterest (for Morgan and Gail)  |  Twitter: @MorganBriceBook    

Sign up for my newsletter and never miss a new release

Read a copy of my Badlands short story Restless Nights here for free

Follow me on BookBub  |  Instagram




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3 ebooks of Witchbane, Badlands and Treasure Trail

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Cover Reveal – Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1 by Morgan Brice #KindleUnlimited


Book Title: Huntsman: Fox Hollow Zodiac Book 1

Author:  Morgan Brice

Cover Artist: Adrijus Guscia and Melissa Gilbert

Release Date: July 20, 2020

Genre/s: Urban fantasy MM paranormal romance

Trope/s: sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love,

sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates

Themes: learning to trust again, taking a chance on love, leaving the past behind,

moving past grief and loss, starting over, embracing your whole self

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 60 000 words/205 pages

It is the first book in the series



Buy Links

Available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and paperback

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 


A grieving wolf. A hunted fox. Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever. 



A grieving wolf. A hunted fox. Fated mates, thrown together by chance, and the looming threat of a fabled Huntsman who might tear them apart forever. 

Fox shifter Liam Reynard is running from a killer. He uproots his life to find sanctuary in Fox Hollow, deep in the Adirondack Forest in New York.

When his car breaks down, sexy wolf shifter Russ Lowe comes to the rescue, and one touch makes it clear they’re fated mates. Neither man was looking for love, and both are still mending from past heartbreak. When mysterious fires and disappearances threaten Fox Hollow, Liam fears the killer is hot on his trail. Can he protect the town and his fated mate from the evil hunting him, or will an ex-lover’s betrayal cost Liam everything he loves?

Huntsman is full of sexy shifters, hurt/comfort, second chance love, sincere psychics, hot first responders, found family, and fated mates. Intended for readers 18 years of age or older.



From Chapter One 

Liam’s hands tightened around the steering wheel as he tried to get his breathing under control. He glanced into the backseat of his old Honda Civic, double-checking that his computer bag and duffel were there.

Spring came late to this part of Upstate New York, and temperatures could still drop below freezing, making for patches of black ice on the road. The last thing Liam needed now was to wreck. His ten-year-old car handled well on snow and started reliably in cold weather— qualities he’d need where he was going. Liam shivered in his light jacket. He owned a decent winter coat—which he had remembered to grab from his closet, along with his boots, gloves, scarf, and hat—since Ithaca still got plenty of snow. But winter in Fox Hollow, way up in the Adirondack Mountains, promised to be a whole new experience.

Screw it. I can deal with cold and snow. I can’t deal with being hunted.

The warning call had come at six in the evening, not long after Liam had gotten home from his shift at the Ithaca College library, where he had landed an assistant librarian job after he finished his degree two years ago. The job he had just ditched, along with his apartment and friends, to run for his life.

Jeb was one of the few shifters Liam knew. So when Jeb’s warning wasn’t just that a hitman was after Liam, but a Huntsman—a legendary, near-mythical boogieman of a predator—Liam had dropped everything and fled.

He skidded, and for just a second, felt his tires lose traction. Liam eased off the gas pedal, steered into the skid, and evened out. If late spring was this cold and icy, he didn’t want to think what real winter would hold.

Hyperventilating and passing out won’t help.

Thank the gods for Dr. Jeffries. When his favorite undergrad professor left Ithaca for a new role at the Fox Institute, he told Liam that if he ever needed a job or a place to go in a pinch, to give him a call. Jeffries knew Liam didn’t have any family to count on, and the two of them had bonded over a shared interest in mythology and folklore.

Just a few days ago, Jeffries had called to float a job opportunity by Liam—the head librarian position at the Fox Hollow Community Library, which also included managing the summer arts festival and the “Fall Fling” in conjunction with the Institute. At first glance, Liam had been perplexed, since while the role offered more creativity, it was also a step down in pay. He’d promised to think about it.

Then the warning came, and he ran. Now he needed a new job—far away from Ithaca.


About the Author 

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!


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New Release – Matched To His Wolf by Lorelei M. Hart & Colbie Dunbar #KindleUnlimited


Book Title: Matched To His Wolf: An M/M Mpreg Shifter Dating App Romance (The Dates of Our Lives Book 1)

Author: Lorelei M. Hart & Colbie Dunbar

Publisher: Surrendered Press

Cover Artist: Megan J. Parker-Squiers

Release Date: July 16

Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance, MM mpreg romance, paranormal romance

Trope/s: Forbidden love as in a human falls in love with a wolf shifter not knowing that shifters exist

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length:  approx. 35,000 words

It is the first book in a series. 



Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 



Fate doesn’t use dating apps to pair true mates…except when it does.

Human Omega Colin Soames has finally made it. Investors are clamoring for his new hit dating app and then things get weird. Now he’s on a mission to figure out who’s co-opting his app and why; by going undercover as a potential date. Little does he know that the oddities he discovered weren’t designed to sabotage the app as he first thought. No. Shifters have figured out a way to use it incognito, and he’s about to go on a date with one. If only he knew shifters existed outside of fiction.

Pack Alpha Bentley Shaw likes being single. He doesn’t have to answer to anyone but his pack. He likes it that way even if he is lonely and even if his wolf is restless. Why bother putting your heart out there if you are only going to get hurt? But one drunken night he lets his Beta talk him into trying the new dating app all the shifters are using—just once. How bad could one date be? It couldn’t be worse than the time he tried to date a human—except that’s exactly what Love and Hate sends him. 

Sparks fly, feelings grow, and their worlds are turned upside down in the very best of ways.

Matched To His Wolf is the first book in the sweet with knotty heat Dates of Our Lives M/M Mpreg Shifter Dating App romance brought to you by the popular co-writing duo of Lorelei M Hart and Colbie Dunbar. It features a human who stumbles into a world he never knew existed thanks to a silly little soap opera, an alpha who didn’t want to date—full stop, two powerful men trying to figure out how to come together as one, and an adorable baby. If you like your shifters hawt, your omegas strong, your mpreg with heart, and your HEAs complete with true mates and a bundle of joy, one-click today.



It’s from Chapter 5, and is the omega’s POV. His name is Colin. He’s human, and he’s the app developer. He goes on the blind date hoping to discover who’s co-opting the app. His date arrives and it’s Bentley, a wolf shifter and pack alpha. But Colin had no idea shifters are real and of course, Bentley doesn’t enlighten him. The only context humans have re shifters is a famous soap opera, Shifter World, but they think it’s fiction.


“You’re not wearing a tie.”

“Ummm… nope. Is that a problem?” I glanced at the tie-less men seated in the restaurant.

Bentley loosened the knot at his throat, and I was mesmerized by the long, elegant fingers. He could be a hand model. He did look kinda familiar. I stared at his hands again. Maybe I’d seen them in an ad for watches, phones, or sexy underwear. My inner voice was voting for the last one.

My dinner companion slipped off the tie and stuffed it in his pocket. I was so desperate to check out his nether regions again, I was tempted to do the ‘drop-the-napkin’ trick and get a good gander at his crotch.

“Been here before?” Bentley asked as his amber eyes flicked over the room.

“Nope. But it’s got great ratings on Grassfed Reviews.”

He grimaced. Yeah, that’s what that was. “I don’t pay much attention to that sort of stuff. Too much crap online.”

Did he just put down the entire internet when he was on a blind date that happened by way of an app? My app! I think he did. What an ass! My hand gripped the steak knife wondering if I’d get probation if I stabbed it into the wooden table. Perhaps a warning, pay for the damages, and be blacklisted at the steak house? I could live with that.

But I reminded myself he had no idea I was the developer. “And yet here we are because of an app.”

“My friend convinced me to try it.”

His words reminded me I was supposed to have my detective hat on, not be ogling him or thinking of ways to destroy the furniture because of my bruised ego.

But his scent wafted over me, and if I lived in the 18th century, I swear I would have swooned. I didn’t really know what that was but it sounded like how I felt. All shaky and my stomach was jumbly. I gripped my glass and threw a mouthful of beer down my throat, but in my rush to not swoon, I choked.

The table and my date were showered with beer and probably saliva. Ewww! Bentley’s gray button-down was dotted with wet splotches and so were his hands, cutlery, and napkin. But while I was gasping and focused on not dying, he was suddenly behind me, pushing me forward and thumping my back.

“Okay?” he asked as I took the first breath in what felt like forever but was only a few seconds.

“Mmmm,” I nodded as my cheeks flamed.

“If I choke on my steak, I want him to give me first aid.” That was a comment from the next table.

“Eyes here,” snapped his companion.

“Sorry about the shirt,” I whispered as a waiter replaced the Bentley’s setting and took our orders.

Bentley shrugged as he said, “No big deal.”

I was at a loss for a conversation starter. We’d done names, discovered he hated the information superhighway, he’d saved my life, and I’d ruined his shirt and shared my DNA. Pretty impressive for the first five minutes.

But I was scrabbling for something to say and desperately trying to avoid his aroma which reminded me of an ancient forest that rarely disclosed its secrets. I pictured the trees, with their arms around one another as they closed ranks against outsiders. It was both intoxicating and hair-raising, and I stuck my hands in my lap so Bentley couldn’t see the goosebumps sprawling across my skin.

And then the same voice that had admired my dinner companion’s life-saving prowess said, “That Floyd. I followed him on social media and commented that I hope they bring him back for more episodes. ‘I wouldn’t count on it. Don’t hold your breath,’ was his response.” The guy tittered and placing both hands near his throat, made an exaggerated gasping sound while staring into my eyes. He’s mocking me.

“Hey,” Bentley stood and got in the other guy’s face. That was weird ‘cause I’d listed that as one of my hates on the app. He grabbed the omega’s shirt. “Apologize to my friend. That was completely inappropriate and you’re a jerk.”

The guy sniffed. I was convinced he was inhaling the alpha’s scent and his expression changed from overconfident to insecure. He shuffled along the booth and I swear he shrank to half his size.

His alpha companion muttered, “He meant no harm. Sorry,” before flinging a pile of cash on the table. The pair raced out, not looking back when the waiter arrived at their table with two sizzling steaks and yelled, “What about your dinner?”

How odd! “Thanks,” I mumbled. “You didn’t have to do that.”

He shrugged. “The guy was an ass.”



About the Authors

Lorelei M. Hart

Lorelei M. Hart is the cowriting team of USA Today Bestselling Authors Kate Richards and Ever Coming now joined by their friend, Ophelia Heart. Friends for years, the three decided to come together and write one of their favorite guilty pleasures: Mpreg. There is something that just does it for them about smexy men who love each other enough to start a family together in a world where they can do it the old-fashioned way ;).


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Colbie Dunbar

My characters are sexy, hot, adorable—and often filthy—alphas and omegas. Feudal lords with dark secrets, lonely omegas running away from their past, and alphas who refuse to commit.

Lurking in the background are kings, mafia dons, undercover agents and highwaymen with a naughty gleam in their eye.

As for me? I dictate my steamy stories with a glass of champagne in one hand. Because why not?


Social Media Links

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New Release – The Aztec Alphas Lost & Found (The Aztec Alphas #4) by F.R D’Angelo


Book Title: The Aztec Alphas Lost & Found (The Aztec Alphas #4)

Author: F.R D’Angelo

Publisher: Self-published. 

Cover Artist: Rainbow Danger Designs (Zoe Perdita)

Release Date: June 27, 2020

Genre/s: Shifter Paranormal MM Romance

Heat Rating:  5 flames   

Length: 72 500 words/182 pages

It is not a standalone book.



Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

Universal Link  |    Amazon US  |   Amazon UK




Catch up with The Aztec pack, as four traitors are found Azkin offers a compromise in order to save the packs Omegas, will the traitors take him up on it or will they run?

Aztec Warriors Angel and Brad are not happy to sit this one out, in order to keep many omegas safe, they agree.  Many first rescue omegas are now much stronger and have been training with Warrior omega Scotty in secret. 

The omegas want equality and too fully train with the main Aztec protectors and warriors, the only way to allow that is to go head to head in war games with the Aztec protectors, as mate is pitied against mate will the omegas back down?

The pack is attacked from all sides by a force of Theta wolves, attempting to steal pregnant omegas, Azkin puts a kill order on those who dare come onto Aztec pack lands. 

Stragglers from packs across the United States start to arrive in a pitiful condition, Azkin turns to the Ancestors for guidance. 

As the prophecy looks like it will unravel, The Warriors need to prepare to enter the Callum Medical Facility to bring home Joe’s mate, Adam, though surprise awaits Joe inside the facility.  

Follow the Aztec pack, as each new rescue brings heartache, pain, and hope. More twists and turns as some loopholes are closed and others are opening up. 




Azkin closed his eyes. He imagined he was looking at the red wolf in shifter form. Calling on all his strength as an Aztec shifter, in his mind’s eye, he projected to Zain so he could also see the very skinny young shifter, around twenty-one years with shocking red hair, very pregnant, and very much alone.

Zain knelt, placed his hand on the wolf’s foreleg, and whispered, “Shift. We know you’re pregnant. We won’t hurt you, but you’re going to harm your cub if you don’t.”

This seemed to kickstart the wolf’s self-preservation, and he shifted. Then, he scurried along on his ass toward the wall, trying to make himself appear small.

“Zain heal him. I’ll hold his arm. Please, before he goes into shock and we lose him.” Zain leaned forward as the smaller, almost feral shifter, growled at him.

“Alpha Zain is going to do a healing on your cub now. And then, we are taking you back to the Aztec pack lands.” 

The shifter gasped and settled instantly. Something shifted behind his eyes, and he sighed.

Forcing all the Alpha pheromones, Alpha energy, and calming pheromones Zain could to the smaller shifter, Zain started the healing. From the color of the healing, they knew he was a feral omega from a lab. They needed this young one alive. Even just to birth his cub.

Feral wolves were wolves that had been in shift more than three months. This young one had been in shifter form a lot longer than that.

As Zain started to heal him, he could see his cub, hanging on to a need to survive, a tiny white wolf.

Tears prickled on Zain’s face. Healing with cubs involved brought this reaction from Zain, and each time Azkin witnessed empathy in his mate, it brought him joy.



About the Author  

I live in Northern Ireland. Mom to two kids, totally crazy goings on in our house so it’s not surprising I write gay romance, paranormal shifters. Archangels and angels.

I love to channel the characters who waltz into my mind, they refuse to leave until I write their story.
The magic of the spirit/other world is in the books I write. I am a Spiritual and Psychic medium, and we all need a little magic in our lives. I am a spiritual teacher I walk many roads.

I am often found with my head a book, or earphones on as I listen to a book, or I am writing.

The biggest challenge so far has been the dyslexia. I have a set routine, and many people do not run on the same timeline as me, it’s been frustrating. Though lots of coffee seems to help, the animals in my life ground me.
My passion lies with the paranormal of our world, as well as a love of Sci-fi.

I have a rescued cat Theodore, the rescue advertised looking for homes for black cats no one wanted them. I also am mom to three Boxers, Dante, Khaleesi, and Sorcha. And nanny to my daughters two dogs, boxer Aria litter sister to Khaleesi, and brother Dante. Also a little mongrel Riley.

I love showing dogs this takes me out of my head and away from the computer, it brings out the competitive in me. It also helps me hone the vision of boxers for the future helping to promote the breed.

This gives me something to do outside of sitting in front of the PC, Training the dogs in protection as well as the showring. I am looking forward to 2020 in the showring, and 2020 for personal writing goals.



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New Release – The Beast of Bodmin Moor by Zakarrie C #giveaway #free


Book Title:  The Beast of Bodmin Moor

Author: Zakarrie C

Release Date (2nd edition):  April 11, 2020

Genre/s:  Supernatural M/M Romance 

Trope/s: Shapeshifters

Themes: Self-acceptance, unconditional love

Heat Rating:  4 flames      

Length: 110,000 words

It is a standalone story.

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Buy Links – Available on Kindle Unlimited

FREE FOR FIVE DAYS from April 12 – 16 

Amazon US  |    Amazon UK 




Can one man’s battle to be himself win another’s war with himself?


Two years ago Jake McCain encountered a compelling stranger at the Glastonbury festival. Two days later his life, as he knew it, was over. Enter Jack. They have…cohabited ever since. Much to Jack’s despair, Jake has remained dogged in his bid to be the most bloody-minded human a jackal ever had the misfortune to manage.

Phin Finley has embarked on a magical mystery campervan tour of Cornwall. Free to potter about, doing as he pleases for the first time, he wants to prove he can do just fine without having a fatal mishap. Or causing one. Or losing his trusty bicycle clips. Even if he is a tad too…Phinish for most folk’s comfort, his mum’s peace of mind and dad’s constitution.

Theirs is a tale about finding your (happy) place in the world, making (foxy) friends, and the much fabled Beast of Bodmin Moor. 



Phin sat atop a craggy crumble of rock, content as can be in his happy place. His very own sliver of heaven. A sacred spot where the twenty-first century had quite forgotten to do charging in like the cavalry, hell-bent on rescuing it from perfection.

Here, Phin could breathe; alone in his tumbledown haven, but never lonely. Loneliness was feeling alone in a room full of people. Phin had never been comfy in company, it was tricky to do concentrating on seeming ‘normal’ to more than one person at a time amidst the siege of too much. Too loud, too bright, too many colours clashing in a cacophony of sound; as if all his senses had been bunged in the washer and switched to spin-cycle. 

All this was so befuddling, Phin found it impossible to do believing big fat fibs on top. They made him too scratchy. He liked facts. Letting his mind waft off to ponder fascinating things stopped Phin from fretting about people. Instead, he was supposed to do paying attention to pretend feelings—to make folk seem kind—when they weren’t. This was not Phin’s best thing. It was an important skill called being sociable

Phin hated feeling like a fraud. Everyone seemed to do concentrating on things he couldn’t care less about; the impression they made on others, how they were ‘seen’. A concern that had nothing to do with donning orange jumpers, which would’ve been an understandable worry. Phin wouldn’t be seen dead in such a detestable colour. That was an idiom, not a fact, as it didn’t make sense in the scheme of things. He would be dead, and ergo, unable to see. Let alone be in any fit state to insist that his corpse wasn’t desecrated by a despicable sweater. 

Nope, Phin was uncomfy in human company, but he did adore animals. He could do trusting them—even predators—they were honest. They never did acting kind before biting your head off. He loved that the animals dotted across the moor were allowed to do roaming fairly free. The cows often pottered across the road and parked up when they fancied a rest or a gaze-about. They didn’t give a stuff, just stood there, staring over their shoulders with mild disinterest if a queue of cars did honking at them. For all the world as if that might persuade them to do shifting their furry butts.

An animal’s love was unconditional. They never, ever, made you feel not good enough. Or aware that you’d let them down when you couldn’t help but be yourself. Phin had known this forever, but the older he got and the more of his dad’s dreams he dashed, the clearer it became. Polarising his family with Phin stuck in the middle like an equatorial embarrassment. His poor mum and elder sister loved him despite himself and defended Phin with lioness finesse. Then did suffering the consequences of dooming his dad to a son who would never do him proud. This while subjecting him to social humiliation horrors that made his younger sister’s hair curl. Her intrepid efforts with an evil contraption that made her smell like a singed cat couldn’t compete with Phin. Apparently.


About the Author

When asked what she’d most like to tell her younger writing self, Zakarrie plumped for two snippets of wisdom:

  1. Those dreams that feel too daft to ever believe into being? Hug them to your heart and keep them safe. Some day, somewhere over the rainbow, you might wake up to one so impossible, you’ll suspect you made it up yourself.
  2. You are never going to be the next Enid Blyton. Oddly ’nuff.


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