99c Series Tour – Graceless Duet by N.N. Britt


Graceless Duet by N.N. Britt

One young man with a secret that can damage a political career and his family’s reputation.
One superstar on the rise with a secret that can destroy the other man’s life.
Their fates shouldn’t have collided…
Except one of them takes matters into his own hands.


It is a duet and the books need to be read in order 

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

TropesEnemies to lovers, forbidden love story

4 flames, but it’s a very slow burn romance




Book Title: Graceless (An MM Enemies to Lovers Romance)

Length: 80 000 words

Release Date: June 30, 2022 

This book ends on a cliffhanger.



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

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One young man with a secret that can damage a political career and his family’s reputation.
One superstar on the rise with a secret that can destroy the other man’s life.
Their fates shouldn’t have collided…
Except one of them takes matters into his own hands.

College student Dylan Watson has spent the past three years mourning the mysterious death of his beloved sister and hating her bandmate–he’s convinced Iodine’s lead singer Kai Delisa had something to do with Ava’s “accident.” When her old band unexpectedly signs a massive record deal with a major label, Dylan decides to do what he should have done years ago–find out exactly what happened that tragic night.

For an up-and-coming rock star, Kai isn’t an easy man to track down. There’s precious little info about him online, and what’s there is more confusing than enlightening. But when Dylan’s and Kai’s paths finally cross, the meeting triggers a chain of events that unravels Dylan’s life and shatters the cherished image of his sister.

What’s worse? Kai threatens the one secret Dylan has tried to hide since high school: he likes men. And despite years of hating Kai, their time together makes two things crystal clear. Dylan’s attracted to him, and that attraction is mutual.

Torn between the dark past he can’t shake off and the uncertain future he might be able to have if he dares to give in to the allure of the intense chemistry he has with Kai, Dylan is now facing some hard choices.

Graceless is a high-angst, slow-burn MM romance that explores the following themes: depression, mental illness, suicide, and abuse.



Book Title: Faithful (An MM Enemies to Lovers Romance)

Length: 80 000 words

Release Date: July 14, 2022

This book needs to be read after Graceless.

It does not end on a cliffhanger. It’s HEA



Buy Links – Available in Kindle Unlimited

 99c sale 

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK



Some secrets aren’t meant to remain secret forever.

Ever since Iodine’s debut album propelled Kai to stardom, his every move is scrutinized on social media and in the tabloids. And after the recent scandal Kai has been dragged into, Dylan’s worst fears come true–Kai suggests putting their affair on pause. With Dylan closeted and Kai being the talk of the town, it’s the smart thing to do.

It’s also harder than it seems.

Because neither of them is ready to let go. Kai breaks his own rules and reaches out to Dylan again and again. While they continue to indulge in late-night texts and calls, Dylan finally begins to slowly unravel the mystery behind Kai’s scars–the scars Kai refuses to talk about.

As Dylan comes to terms with the true nature of his feelings for Kai, and the two admit their relationship is more than a fling, Dylan’s father takes an unexpected interest in his life. He could end Kai’s career with a word.

Now Dylan must do the unthinkable–stand up to the man who’s always terrified him, or risk losing the man he loves.

Faithful is the conclusion of Dylan and Kai’s story and should be read after Graceless.





I didn’t ask.

I knew better.

Ava only shared what she wanted and when she wanted.

All I could do was be there for her. Be a cool, supportive brother. Even if that meant driving to some shithole in Tacoma to pick her up because she’d had one too many brownies or smoked one too many joints.

She was rebelling for the both of us, so to speak.

Besides, weed was legal in our beautiful state.

Not like she was doing hard drugs.

I was behind the wheel, and she was trying to figure out the whole seat belt thing, which was apparently a challenge in her state of impairment, when he came into view. He was about my height, lean but elegantly cut with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His pants—black and shiny and right on the edge of tantalizingly tight—framed his long legs in a way that left little to the imagination. He wore a studded belt and some kind of long-sleeved sweater. A red tie made a collar around his neck. A cigarette dangled from his mouth.

His face, though…

I was still battling with my sexual self-awareness, still wondering if Hayden had happened because he was Hayden and not because he was a guy. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that girls truly had never done anything for me, if my failed relationship with Emmalyn Hill weren’t indication enough.

I liked dudes.

And there he was. All dark and brooding and brilliant in his self-imposed lament.

I noticed him.

I fucking did.

And it terrified me—the fact that my mind singled him out.

In the dim stream of light, I saw the eyeliner beneath his eyes. Instantly, I questioned whether it was because he was like me or because his stage persona dictated makeup. The mystery of it made my blood rush.

And fuck.

That blood was all going south.

I was sure my sister wouldn’t appreciate me driving her home with a hard-on, so I tried to calm down. I tried to be rational. I tried to control this strange urge that had already gotten me in trouble once.

But his face was so goddamned distracting. His skin was smooth and pale without a single blemish, shimmering in the dark. A silver ring pierced his nostril, metal catching light as he turned.

His features could be described as a clash of contradictions, a blend of fierce and soft, and unfamiliar in their ruthless familiarity. Like déjà vu. Something you knew you’d never seen, but still your mind tried to remember where, tried to chase the nonexistent occurrence in the continuum of time and space and memories.


About the Author 

N.N. Britt writes emotional romance novels about music and imperfect people falling in love.


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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

About Gay Book Promotions

About the Author Lily G. Blunt enjoys writing contemporary gay romance and paranormal stories. She loves to explore the relationship between two or more men and the intensity of their physical and emotional attraction. Angst often features in her stories as she feels this demonstrates the depth of feelings between them. Lily is often inspired by the lyrics to songs and is forever writing imaginary scenes and plots in her head. Only a few of these ever make their way to the page. Lily reviews for several blogs and has recently launched Gay Book Promotions, an online book promotion service for authors of LGBT+ romance and fiction. She loves to hear from readers and other authors. You can find her contact information and social media links at https://lilygblunt.wordpress.com and http://gaybookpromotions.wordpress.com

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